Wrong place Wrong time pt.1

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Aaron and Andi leaped off of a rooftop and landed onto a nearby building with access with view to Dr
Patels layer. Andi smirked under the mask and she shot a web and walked off of the roof and onto a window where she stayed in the shadows. Aaron and Anti-Venom followed suit by doing the same thing and landed right next to her.

The aroma of her smell signaled Aaron's special place and he had to move his pelvis to retract the urge to rip off the suit and take right then and there. But Aaron also had a lot to learn about self control when he was around her. Andi had a sixth sense about these feelings in other males and it was like the suit she wore kind of amplified it to the point where she can read other males thoughts and know what they were thinking.

But knowing this Andi grabbed Aaron's wrist and slid it off of the glass to make him lose focus and she slid him in to her mouth and kissed him hard. Aaron grabbed her head pulled her in but Andi retracted and she told him "Save it for later lover boy." And she slightly grazed over his spot and smiled then she began to excel upward to the nearby vent shaft. Aaron could not get enough of her to the point where he was climbing right under her. And again she sensed he was staring and she blushed to herself.

Aaron and Andi were now in the vent and was crawling silently to avoid causing a disturbance inside of of her lab. Aaron and Andi then dropped down from the roof and landed quietly on the floor and Andi went to the back room to where it had purple engravings in it which made no sense to him but when Andi returned it was a device that looked oddly familiar.

Aaron took it from her and it hit him in an instant it was the same portal device.in which had brought him here to this dimension. Aaron was unsure of what to do but he then handed it back to Andi and she smiled and replied "Thank you." Aaron just nodded and Andi then gave Aaron a look that came across as she wanted him. Aaron looked back and he smiled And I then began to walk to a private room inside the building and flexed her finger to signal Aaron to follow her.

Meanwhile in another place Miguel and Nebula were exploring the city trying to find any sign of Aaron. Nebula held to Miguel's back and she made a deep sigh Miguel then asked her "Hey, you okay back there?" Nebula just glared at him with no response. She then saw a figure of white and black with another figure who had a black and white suit similar to what Eddie usually wears. Nebula then told Miguel "There follow them." She said as she pointed in the direction of Aaron and Andi.

Dr.patel however saw both of them and she saw Spider man and she was now intrigued by what Miguel had on his back. She smiled and she made her arms climb and followed pursuit of  Spider man and the rest of them. Making an effort she took out a device that had some purple engravings on it just like the one inside the room where Andi had gotten the portal device from and she activated it on a standby procedure.

Nebula and Miguel both landed a few feet away from them when Aaron looked up because his other had sensed someone was with them. Andi looked up because she sensed someone was there too. Aaron and Andi both then leaped toward a wall to avoid being detected and Nebula and Miguel both walked in there direction. Aaron and Andi both at the same time leaped down while Andi shoved the woman into the wall and Aaron shoved the man into the wall.

Aaron's eyes behind the mask then beamed when he looked at Andi's predecessor only to find out it was Nebula. Aaron let go of Miguel and he walked over to Nebula and gave her the biggest hug he could ever muster to give to anyone. Nebula began to tear up and she hugged him back even harder and kissed his head which was now not covered by the mask.

Aaron then spoke as he was begging to choke up "I thought I lost you guys forever." Nebula then ran her hand on his head and reassured him "No no my boy you have never lost us we are always here for you." Aaron then faced her after there embrace and he put his forehead to hers and then parted as Nebula wiped tears from her eyes she then looked at Aaron and then over at Andi who seemed a little left out with Miguel.

Nebula then walked over to Andi and she asked her "Did you take care of him for me?" Andi nodded and Nebula hugged her and said "Thank you very much for taking care of him." Andi then pulled back and she said "Well actually we are boyfriend and girlfriend now." She smiled and walked over to hold Aaron's hand. Nebulas face read shock all over it and she swallowed and said "Thank you very much."

And Nebula hugged Andi and Andi was confused at first but then she hugged back and Nebula teared up. Aaron then hugged Nebula and he then looked at Miguel "Who's this?" Aaron asked Nebula as she finished her hug and Nebula replied "That is Miguel the Spider man of 2099." Aaron nodded and he shaked Miguel's hand and then Miguel spoke "I'm aware that both you and her were taken off world from your dimension and this was because of Dr.Patel."

Miguel stated and Aaron nodded and he said that they have been held captive for weeks. Nebula then said well let's get home Because Eddie has missed you and he would like to meet your friend. As she pointed to Andi Aaron then stepped in and said "That's actually my girlfriend." And Nebulas face went from neutral to shocked. Andi's did too and Aaron smiled at her and she smiled at her.

But then out of the midst Aaron and Andi and Miguel all had there different senses tingling all at once and their attention drifted to a small bomb being thrown at all of them and they all got blasted backward and into the side of the buildings around them. Dr.Patel smiled as her arms blended her the advantage and she used them to level her back into the ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk, all you had to do was do what you were told and now looked at you, all of you." She said as they all were recovering from the radius of the blast. Dr.Patel smiled and she bent down to take the walkie talkie and smiled and said "Very impressive but this and my subjects will be coming with me." She said as her arms rotated and picked up an unconscious Aaron and Andi and left Miguel and Nebula by themselves.

But in a desperate attempt to save it Miguel shot a web line toward the walkie talkie in Dr.Patels hand and she smiled and snatched it off and she waved bye bye as she tossed another bomb and escaped the scene.

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