Final battle part 2

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After everyone was rejoined back together they all walked out of the boiler room and back to the main lab where the flames had died down due to Andi's help. Aaron and Venom carried Dr.Patel on there shoulders and they threw her down. Aaron high fived Eddie and they huddled in a circle and they whispered to each other about what they were going to do to the body. But before they could continue through they heard Dr.Patel groan as her purple laced arms tried to support her wheaight. She giggled as she clicked a button in which caused 2 doors to open from her lab and Aaron and the others saw that two figures walked through. A man made of a living electrical currant and a woman who was buff and was made of sand. With a point of Dr.Patels fingers at the big group they charged and started to attack the big group while Dr.Patel wobbled weakly over to a monitor and she slammed the machine to life and tacked a couple of buttons and she smiled as she clicked a button.

Overhead the group could hear the lab speaking and it was an automated voice that spoke fuzzy "Self-destruct sequence now active." When they heard that Spider-Man punched the electrical person in the face and Venom slashed the sand girl but Nebula kicked her then the final blow was received when Aaron's mom dumped a huge bucket of mop solution on her causing her to degenerate.

Spider-Man webbed up the electrical person in webbing that could hold the Rhino. After this Aaron then saw that Dr.Patel had vanished but the self destruct was still active. He went down the east hallway and the last thing the group saw was Aaron's shadow along the gray and purple wall. Aaron stopped mid hallway when he turned around and a giant machine had done landed on him and the machine and Aaron both fell inside the floor into an underground sewer line. Aaron inside of the Anti-Venom suit kicked the machine back and he hunched over with his shoulders tucked in and his legs spread apart and he had water in between his fingers and he roared really hard.

 Aaron inside of the Anti-Venom suit kicked the machine back and he hunched over with his shoulders tucked in and his legs spread apart and he had water in between his fingers and he roared really hard

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The machine however maneuvered it's way upward and it turned around to reveal that Dr.Patel was controlling the machine and she turned on the speaker loud enough so that Anti-Venom could hear it. "Look at you, you've come so far but you're going to die by me say goodbye Anti-Venom!!" Then Anti-Venom could see that Dr.Patel had slammed down on the joint sticks and she charged at him.

Anti-Venom rolled out of the way and kicked the machines leg which caused it to bend down but the bright headlight shine in Anti-Venoms eyes which partly blinded him. He covered his eyes and stepped back leaving enough room for him to get kicked hard in the leg then one of the machines arms decked Aaron in the face so that he hit the wall and broke a pipe and really hurt his back. Aaron thrashed around in the water and he looked up blurry eyed at the machine. And Anti-Venom went to punch it but the machine inevitably took his hand and crushed it so that Dr.Patel would hope to break it but it didn't.

Instead Aaron ran up the machines leg and kicked the mainframe. And the machine fell back releasing it's grip on Anti-Venoms wrist. He then had the upper hand and he climbed on top of the glass and punched a hole through it and he ripped it out of of it it's hinges. Dr.Patel shielded her face as Anti-Venom ripped her out of the seat and caused the machine to deactivate. And Anti-Venom ripped off the big helmet that she wore and he punched her in the face. And he threw her by the neck while still holding her into the wall. Making a circle like dent into it. And he did it again and again until red started to appear dripping down onto the walls surface. The water splashed down on Anti-Venoms face and his arm in which he was holding her by the throat.

She gripped his white arm and she tried to press it off of her but it was no use. And Anti-Venom Headbutted her and threw her head back against the wall again before pulling her close to his face and he stared into her eyes with the raging fire ones he had. She begged for mercy and Aaron rammed her head into the wall one more time and this time he heard a crack. He then pulled her back to his face and she was barley alive but he released his grip and let her slide from his hand to the wall and she slid down with a blood trail following her head. She sat there and Anti-Venom leaned in and he cocked his head and she whispered "Your to late you're whole family is going to die..." She said as she flopped down and she was now dead and Anti-Venom realized what she meant. He webbed his way back into the east hall leaving the now dead Dr.Patel with her machine and Anti-Venom yelled "Get out all of you get out now!!" And they all left except Aaron's mom. Aaron stopped in mid-tracks he then asked her "Mom what are you doing?" She just stared at the screen monitor watching the time tick down Aaron saw the faint red in her eyes and she looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Aaron you have to go now I can't go back with you." Aaron was confused so he let Anti-Venom's face liquidate down to reveal a bloody and beat up Aaron. He asked her "Why?" She just smiled and she placed her hand on his cheek and she said to him "All of my life I've never seen or been to places like I've been with the past couple of days. And I know it's not fair that I beat you. I know that now but what I did realize was that your my son. And that is something that I can never replace. But I have to stay behind to try and shut this down." Aaron looked at her with tears now in his eyes and he grabbed her shoulder and he said "Then let me help you, you can't save everyone!" But she just lightly smiled and said "Aaron look at me hey look at me! You have extraordinary power beyond anything that I have ever seen. But I need you to know this. That with great power, must always come great responsibility." She then kissed his forehead and she shoved him through the door and she clicked a button which sealed the door closed.

And with the final moments Aaron tried to pry the door open while screaming for his mom but the lab EXPLODED and Aaron was flying back from the impact of the blast and he fell to the ground. Ringing in his ears ashes everywhere along with pieces of metal construed everywhere. Aaron sat up his eyes blurry realizing he had no suit on but he could feel Anti back in him. It took Aaron but a second to realize what had just happened and he clambered through the aftermath of the blast and he found a dead woman under a pile of metal and Aarons arms transformed with the familiar white liquid and lifted up the metal to reveal his mom in the ashes of the blast. Aaron fell to his knees and cried out the others in the group came and comforted him as he cried right next to his mother.

Andi bent down and she hugged him and kissed his cheek and he leaned into her and cried his heart out. Everyone else joined the hug first it was Eddie then Nebula followed by Miguel. Aaron yelled into the sky...minutes after crying Aaron got up and he saw that Nebula was holding a device which was the same device that brought Aaron here to the first place. She then clicked a button and the portal opened to the familiar world in which Aaron was now a little relieved to see.

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