An understanding...

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 Aaron was still immobilized on the ground from the hits he and Anti-Venom had received from Venom and Eddie. Eddie helped Aaron up off the ground and he apologized for Venom's violent tendencies. Eddie then asked Aaron,

Eddie: "Coffee ?, on me."

Aaron: "Sure."

At a local starbucks: 

 Venom and Eddie a mocha to split and Aaron and Anti-Venom got chocolate chip drink, After both of them left the starbucks they both went into the alley and Anti-Venom came out of Aaron's shoulder and Venom came out of Eddie's shoulder and let them have the drinks. Aaron started talking with Eddie while Venom and Anti-Venom were slurping up the drinks that Aaron and Eddie had bought for them. 

Aaron: "So how long have you and him have been together for." as he pointed to Venom.

Eddie: "Two years so far." he replied while petting Venom on the head.

Eddie: "How long for you?" 

Aaron: "I've been with Anti-Venom for six days."

Aaron: "Is it easy?, you know living with them."

Eddie: "Not for a good minute I mean I had to literally get this guy straight and I am still trying but he's come along way."

Aaron: "Well Anti-Venom's pretty easy to live with." He stated as he stroked the back of his head."

 Anti-Venom looked up and burped with chocolate chips over his face and white whipped cream. Venom finished second with brown stuff around his mouth and white frosting all over his face and teeth. Eddie chuckled and so did Venom Aaron thought to himself that they are understand each other more than Anti-Venom and him could be. Eddie gave Aaron his number and said,

Eddie: "Call me incase of anything oh and if you need to train you can call me for that to or get a coffee sometime."

Aaron: "I will thanks."

 Eddie left the alley and Aaron with Anti-Venom in it, Aaron got up and Anti-Venom went back into Aaron's body and transformed into himself. He jumped super high and started to swing back to his house. When Anti-Venom landed onto the window he opened it like he has usually done in the past. But when he transformed back into Aaron, Aaron's mother bust through his door and began to yell at him and smack him like she has done before Anti-Venom came. But this time Aaron had enough of it and he transformed back into Anti-Venom, Anti snarled and growled at his mother which she fell down in fear of her son. He roared so loud it caused a disturbance inside the home in which the other three girls came up and saw Anti-Venom in his true form.

 It caused the girls to scream and Anti-Venom busted out of the window of Aaron's apartment and web swung away from that terrible place. Anti-Venom went into a fundle of trees and a couple of bushes. Anti transformed back into Aaron Which he pulled out his phone from his pocket and grabbed the slip of paper that Eddie wrote his number on just in case of anything Aaron had needed. He called the number,

A couple of minutes later...

 When Aaron reached back to the main highway Aaron saw a red bike down by the way end of the road. Aaron knew it was eddie because he would read some of the articles that Eddie would write in the Daily Bugle and he would always enjoy them. Eddie found Aaron walking toward his direction, Aaron almost burst into tears and hugged Eddie because he needed to hug someone at that moment. Eddie hugged him back and walked him back to his bike so that he could take him back to his and Venom's place.

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