The cure vs Chaos

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  When Aaron saw the red and black monstrosity that laid before him Aaron formed an axe from his symbiote suit. The red and black symbiote grew tendrils from his back and his hand formed a weird shaped blade from his hand and his hand grown a lot bigger than it was and his fingers was long and sharp.

 Then Carnage leaped into the air with his tendrils out and aimed down toward Aaron, Aaron then felt tendrils come out of his back and attach themselves to a pole nearby and dragged him back and as he was dragged back Aaron's vision went from clea...

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 Then Carnage leaped into the air with his tendrils out and aimed down toward Aaron, Aaron then felt tendrils come out of his back and attach themselves to a pole nearby and dragged him back and as he was dragged back Aaron's vision went from clear to foggy as he began to transform into Anti-Venoms true form.

 Then Carnage leaped into the air with his tendrils out and aimed down toward Aaron, Aaron then felt tendrils come out of his back and attach themselves to a pole nearby and dragged him back and as he was dragged back Aaron's vision went from clea...

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 Anti-Venom then formed a larger axe and he had white and black tendrils form from his back and his spider logo for the black colored tendrils. He then rounded the pole while spinning a circular motion and shot forward with his feet facing in front and he kicked Carnage in the face. Carnage took the force from the kick but he grabbed Anti-Venom's feet and while he fell back and he landed onto the ground and he slammed Anti-Venom on his back into the ground. Carnage roared with chaotic laughter and he leaped into the air but Anti-Venom extended his leg out to stop him in mid air and sliced his face with his white axe not only cutting him but it seemed to burn when it penetrated his skin. Anti-Venom did a kickflip up and he deformed his arm from his axe and he then slammed his fists into the ground and they sprouted in and out of the ground. Until it hit Carnage, Carnage then did a flip in the air landing onto the roof of the building which was close to where Aaron had dropped off Maria.

 Carnage then leaped down and tried to get to her Anti-Venom saw this and he undug his hands from inside the ground and he let Aaron have manual control again and Aaron rushed over as fast as he could. Carnage roundhoused Aaron into the ground and giggled as he saw him in pain, Aaron looked up as he saw him holding up Maria with one clawed hand and he had a blade formed from the other hand and he held it up to Maria's face. Carnage then finally spoke in between Maria's sobs for help.

Carnage: "So you must be Anti-Venom I heard a lot about you and if you don't do as I say she dies!!"

 Aaron growled beneath the mask and rose up weakly holding his side and his orange eyes looked angry. Aaron did something he was going to probably to regret, He shot a web at Carnages blade and yanked down making Carnage lose balance and made the blade stick into the alley ground. Aaron then webbed Maria up and he held her to his side and scaled the building quickly and set her down on the rooftop and he asked her while his mask deformed from his face.

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