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 Aaron woke up from dreaming of tater tots for some reason and chocolate it was very odd for Aaron. But when Aaron woke up he had a morning stiffness in his private area but before he could get out of bed to take care of it Anti-Venom sprawled out of Aaron's chest and asked him,

Anti-Venom: "What is that?" he asked as he transformed Aaron's arm into his and forced Aaron's arm to point at it.

Aaron: "Its nothing Anti!!" As Aaron tried to cover it up.

 Anti-Venom just went back inside of Aaron, Aaron did normal morning thing he does before he goes back to school. Anti-Venom made Aaron look nice for the day he wore a jacket with his Spider on his chest and his jeans were black. Aaron then opened his window and climbed out of it back first and he gripped the wall with one hand while closing the window in front of him. He then let go and did a big back flip in the air and landed on the ground, when he got up Anti-Venom began talking to him again,

Anti-Venom: "So have you had any problems before I came along?"

Aaron: "Yeah i've actually had one."

 A silver grey Mercedes pulled inside the apartment complex that stayed and Asmir was back again to pick up the pick-me girls.

  The pick-me's glanced at Aaron and they looked like they admired him but Asmir cut that short when he rolled down his car's window and yelled,

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  The pick-me's glanced at Aaron and they looked like they admired him but Asmir cut that short when he rolled down his car's window and yelled,

Asmir: "Yo we got 3 minutes in the car lets go!! And nice outfit loser!" Asmir snickered 

 Anti-Venom whispered inside Aaron's ear,

Anti-Venom: "Get him out of that tin can."

 Aaron nodded at Anti-Venoms request,

Aaron: "Yeah well your outfit sucks dimwit!!"

Asmir: "What!!" he shouted as he removed himself from his car.

 He fast walked over to get ready and punch him in the nose again but Asmir was no where close to scary any more. Anti-Venom transformed into his true form and roared at Asmir who fell in fear. The pick-me's however were already out of the parking lot and back into their house Anti-Venom picked up Asmir by the jacket and roared in his face very loudly then he swung his fist back Asmir flinched as Anti-Venom was ready to bust a hole in his stupid face. But he punched the brick wall instead leaving an indent in the wall right next to his head. Anti-Venom did however headbutted him unconscious.

  Anti-Venom disappeared back into Aaron and the Pick-Me's came out of hiding and screamed and went over to Asmir. Aaron walked off and headed to school for the first time since 2020 Anti-Venom waited until they were out of sight and Aaron leaped into the air with Anti's arms over his own and began to web swing to school. The wind felt good against Aaron's face as he web swung, the school was less crowded than it was the previous year before. Aaron landed in the back alley of the school where the people who made the food would bring out the trash. Aaron climbed up onto the roof of the kitchen and ran all the way to the courtyard. When he landed he let go of the web strand he was swinging on and he made his way to the inside of the school.

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