Scream is a Queen

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 As Scream stood cornering Anti-Venom in the alley they began to talk but it was awkward between each other. Anti-Venom backed all the way to the wall making his white moist skin press against it. Scream however did not care she moved closer her hips swishing from side to side and she made her way up to Anti-Venom. She moved her hands up to his white and black face, his yellow glazed over eyes looked down at her as she did. She then leaned in but Anti-Venom ducked out of the way but Scream now with a hasteness to her movements and shoved Anti-Venom back onto the wall. Her white eyes scanned all over Anti-Venom she smiled a toothy grin and she leaned in and kissed Anti-Venom Anti-Venom's eyes went wide with surprise and shock Anti-Venom's shoulders relaxed and his hands placed around Scream's hips and he hugged her in close.

 From above the roof Venom looked over and all he saw was Anti-Venom kissing someone, inside the suit Eddie said to Venom.

Eddie: "Ahh such young love."

Venom: "What is love?"

Eddie: "Well its something that can't be explained Venom but what they have is what it is its a feeling that you have for another person."

Venom: "Oh ok then Eddie lets go home before they see us."

Eddie: "Good idea."

 Venom did a backwards shoulder roll and ran off the roof and leaped off and swung back to Eddie's apartment disappearing into the night air. Back in the alley however Anti-Venom and Scream were still kissing each other. The nights brushed against the neck of Anti-Venom which caused him to shiver and Scream kissed him one more time and giggled. She pulled away and  Anti-Venom lightly placed his head against the wall of the alley and he breathed heavily Scream then asked Anti-Venom,

Scream: "Would you be willing to date me?"

 Anti-Venom stumbled over the question like a football player just tackled him hard to the ground.

Anti-Venom: "I mean I can if you want me to."

Scream: "Oh my gosh I would love to!!"

 She screamed as she jumped onto Anti-Venom's shoulder which knocked him down and scream fell on top of him they both smiled and giggled like to teenagegers hidding behind the bleechers of high school. Anti-Venom and Scream kissed each other once more but with giggling in between. When they finished Anti-Venom got off the ground and helped Scream off of the ground. They both launched themselves off of the ground in the alley Anti-Venom asked her before they split paths and went home,

Anti-Venom: "So where do you want to go for date night tomorrow?"

Scream: "I think we should try the park."

Anti-Venom: "Which one?"

Scream: "City park, say 1:30 am don't be late."

 She said finishing off with a hand to the cheek on Anti-Venom and she did a cartwheel and a backflip off of the roof. Anti-Venom smiled and he told Aaron,

Anti-Venom: Looks like you got a date tomorrow lover boy."

Aaron: "Yeah yeah but you got to have all the fun you wanna call me lover boy."

 They both chuckled with each other and made there way back to Eddie's apartment. When Anti-Venom was swinging through the streets he heard tires screech and sirens. Anti-Venom swung and stuck to the side of a building and observed down below there was a tan car screeching through the streets and police were not being able to make the cut so Anti-Venom thought he could do a quick job before heading home. He swung down into action he swung after the car above the police so that he would not be spotted he finally made it and when he did his final swing he did a backflip and landed onto the roof of the car.

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