A colossal change

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  As the sun rises in colorado Aaron who was dreaming of the Nebula from the night before except more of one way than the other...

  As the sun rises in colorado Aaron who was dreaming of the Nebula from the night before except more of one way than the other

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 Aaron sheepishly smiled in his sleep having the thought of the blue sexy cyborg filling the empty spaces of his mind. But in real time Nebula was standing over Aaron scanning his brain wave activity and searching deep into his mind and she did stumble apon the thoughts he had about her. She smiled a little while turning a little shade of red just thinking about him but she had to shake the feeling because she wanted to care for him like his mother never did. Then she thought to herself "When he's older"

 Aaron stretched his arms out from his sleep and he blinked his sleepy eyes open he looked up to see Nebula the woman he was just dreaming of standing over top of him. He got scared that she might hurt him and shook himself awake and scooted back into the walls corner. Nebula smiled and told him,

Nebula: "Good morning Aaron I made you some breakfast its on the table."

 Aaron nodded and went to the bathroom and tried to shove down his hard erection trying to also awake from the sleepy haze. Aaron then felt it go down and he did his business inside the bathroom. After 2 minutes Aaron got out of the bathroom rubbing his eyes and Eddie and Nebula were at the table eating breakfast. Eddie motioned him to sit down Venom was up as well and he was getting food for himself but only tentacles were visible from Eddies back. Aaron then sat down and began to grab a biscuit and some eggs. 

Eddie: "Hey how did you sleep kid?"

Aaron: "I slept fine."

 As he cautiously looked over at Nebula and she glared at him her black eyes peering into his ocean blue ones. Eddie caught notice and he just shrugged then took another bite of the waffle he had on his plate. After Aaron finished he took his plate to the sink and washed his dish Eddie finished second and did the same while asking Aaron while they were both in the kitchen,

Eddie: "Hey would you like to head down to the school registration office and sign you up for school?"

Aaron: "Yeah we could do that I mean I would like to go back to school."

Eddie: "Cool grab your jacket its cold outside cause were heading out now."

Aaron: "Alright cool."

 After a few minutes Eddie and Aaron took his bike and went to the school leasing office, meanwhile back at Eddie's apartment Nebula sat down on Eddie's couch and she opened up his laptop only to plug in a black flash drive that had a tape label over it that read "Private use ONLY" She plugged it in, then she double clicked the file that read "Human brain scans" Then she clicked on Aaron's file and then it showed a gif like motion of Aaron's brain activity while he was sleeping. Then she clicked on the file where Aaron had imagined Nebula in a black bra and black underwear. She then took a deep breath and closed the picture and she just stared back at the screen as if the screen were to tell her something itself as if she were waiting for it to speak.

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