Venom and Anti-Venom

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 After Aaron and Anti-Venom's departure from Aaron's old home now Aaron was on the back of Eddie's motorcycle on his way to Eddie's apartment so that Aaron could stay until they could figure out their next move. Eddie stopped his Motorcycle in the back alley and Aaron hopped off first then Eddie while he took off his helmet and made their way inside the building. They went past the mailboxes past the first floor Eddie's apartment was on the second floor. When they went inside the place was a mess plus there were two chickens inside the living room. Eddie set his keys on the table that was right next to the door. 

 Aaron looked around in wonderment as Eddie closed the door behind him Venom came around his shoulder and asked Eddie,

Venom: "Is he staying with us?"

Eddie: "Yes he is."

Venom: "Great I would love to have him around."

Eddie: "Yeah he will be great."

 Aaron was in the kitchen in the fridge but Venom peered into the fridge with Aaron and told him and Anti-Venom.

Venom: "Don't touch the chocolate and the tater tots those are mine."

Aaron: "Oh ok."

As he closed the fridge and sat down on Eddie's couch Aaron looked around Eddie set down his motorcycle keys on the nightstand right next to the door. Eddie told Aaron which got Aaron even more on the verge of tears.

Eddie: "You are going to stay with me kid for a couple of days if you want." 

 Aaron's eyes filled with tears and he hugged Eddie, Eddie hugged him back and told him it was going to be alright and they just stood in a hug for a good long couple of minutes. Aaron let go of Eddie and Eddie started to tell him,

Eddie: "So you will get a bed in the living room and I and you will share the living room together."

Aaron: "Ok Eddie no problem thank you so much this means a lot."

 When the sun began to set Eddie was transformed into Venom and he opened up the window sill which when he did Aaron walked out of the bathroom and was shocked to see venom inside the apartment. Aaron was curious and he asked Venom,

Aaron: "Where you headed?"

Venom: "We are going to find some crime to fight and some food to eat."

Aaron: "Well may I join or no?"

 Venom was puzzled and he nodded in agreement for Aaron to join and Aaron was excited he was going on his first "mission" with his new best friend Venom and Eddie. Aaron let Anti-Venom come over him and he leaped out the window first. Venom grinned and took after him and did a side flip out of the window and let gravity do the rest for him. Anti-Venom shot a web and he drug himself to a wall ledge on a nearby building in the alley where Eddie's apartment is. Anti-Venom then leaped off of the wall and did a backflip and shot a web as he did. Venom leaped and did like a zig-zag type motion and landed at the corner of the building and leaped and flew backward with his arms reached out he felt the air in the wind and the atmosphere of the city. Anti-Venom landed on top of a pole perched like a large bird ready to attack its prey.

 Venom landed onto the same pole but he gripped the side of it while he stayed below the pole of Anti-Venom. They looked out and they both saw the same thing a guy in a black mask with a knife trying to unsuccessfully mug the poor women they both looked at each other and nodded Anti-Venom was the first to leap into action Anti-Venom shot a web to a nearby building and went down Venom closely followed they both landed in the alley quietly. The mugger was holding the knife steady and trying to get the woman's money. Anti-Venom extended his arm quickly and latched it onto the mugger's arm and the mugger groaned in pain and Anti-Venom came out of the shadows and the mugger's face went from confused to scared. Anti-Venom then cracked his neck and gave an angry expression Venom, on the other hand, helped the woman out of the alley and he told her to leave the mugger to them.

 Venom then saw the women leave and the mugger was still in Anti-Venom's grasp Venom raised his hand to practically let him go. Anti-Venom nodded and released him but shoved him to the ground. Venom then took the mugger by the head and rammed his head into the brick wall and shoved him back onto the ground. The mugger held his head in pain his vision was blurry and blood trickled down his forehead. Anti-Venom held Venom's arms and told him,

Anti-Venom: "Stop I think he's learned his lesson!" 

 But Venom did not hear his words and shoved Anti-Venom out of the way he then picked the guy up from the ground and shoved the whole half of the mugger's body into his large gaping mouth hole. The mugger was scared he flinched and squirmed inside Venom's mouth Anti-Venom got off the ground fast enough and tackled Venom to the ground causing him to not only fall but drop the now poor "Mugger". Venom snarled and roared loud and he leaped at Anti-Venom and tackled him back to the ground but Anti-Venom lunged his hands onto Venom's ribs and kicked him back with both of his legs causing him to hit the wall of the alley. When Venom hit the floor he held his back with his hand and looked up at Anti-Venom. 

Anti-Venom: "You could have eaten that guy and he had already learned his lesson."

Venom: "That was not what I was trying to do."

Anti-Venom: "Then what exactly trying to do then?"

Venom: "I was trying to eat him, you idiot."

  Anti-Venom made a digested face as if he did not understand let alone want anything to do a part of. Venom was now upset and Anti-Venom could tell so Venom leaped off onto the roof above them and Anti-Venom was confused about what to do but while Venom was cooling off Anti-Venom felt another presence in the air. A dark figure leaped in the air above him to the other roof Anti-Venom was confused and so he formed a blade from his hand and he was now in a defensive position ready for anything that was going to attack him. Then he bumped into something that was right behind him he almost yelped when he saw it was the girl again she was hanging upside down on an orange web stran which held her. She flipped down and let go of the web which she released with one hand.

 Anti-Venom blushed a little and so did she then Anti-Venom put the blade back and he said trying to play it off all cool like.

Anti-Venom: "So...Whats up?"

Whats up?"

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