Venom's side mission

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 Eddie and Venom climbed out of the apartments window and Eddie was fully covered in the Venom suit and Venom leaped from the side of the apartments window. Venom felt the wind from the air on the surface of his body which made him breath it in. Colorado had much to offer in it's vast area of buildings and various surroundings and Venom loved it. Venom veiwed the mountains from the whiteness in his eyes and continued to just try to be free from everything but the feeling just came short the second the frizzing of the radio had just kicked in. Venom then held his grip of the lamp post he had taken a small break on and he answered the radio "What is it?, did you find Aaron?" but the radio was silent until it spoke with Nebula on the other end of the call. "No, but I did find an ally his name is Miguel and he's pretty cool and he says he's been following the person who might have Aaron hostage." When Venom heard this and gave a very I'm processing it type of expression as he looked into the distance. Nebula was then radio silent then she broke in again, "Look Eddie I just wanted to check in and I also wanted you to know that-" she broke off and then cut back in with a very emotinally reacked voice the voice somebody would make if they were trying to keep themselves cool and calm. -"I love you very much and I just hope we make it through this." 

 Venom replied "Me too Nebs I love you so much I could not bear to lose you." On the other end of the reciever Nebula smiled and then she went radio silent again. Venom then rested his head on the radio and in that moment he missed her more than he had ever known. Venom then leaped off of the wall surface and landed onto another building top and perched on the corner of the roof and watched below in the streets of Colorado's pedestrians mumbling around.

Eddie then heard a woman scream help as a man with a what appeared to be a goblin glider and flew off with the woman but Eddie was indeed no mood to be messed with by this guy. So as the lethal protector he leaped off of the roof and shot a web line to a lamp post to catch a better look at what took the woman from the street.

Down below:

Venom then landed on the ground and yelled at the man on the glider who had taken the woman and he yelled furiously "Put the woman down NOW!!" The man on the glider however giggled at Venoms very serious demand. He then turned around and his armors eyes were a glowing yellow and he had a giant yellow spider symbol painted on the chest of the armor. Venom covered his eyes as the armors glow slightly blinded him by the beaming lights that were on the suits chest and face plates.

The man in the suit tilted his head to the side as he did the clink of metal rubbed against each other. He then spoke which sounded autotuned as he spoke "Well, well if it isn't the one and only VENOM don't worry I'll make sure no one misses you!"
He shouted as a part of his suit then shot three rockets from the wrist parts of the suit. Venoms white eyes expressed surprise and he leaped out of the way. Dodging the first two rockets but was hit with the third rocket. Eddie grunted in pain as his other was badly injured and the man in the suit then cackled and he then whipped out a fistful of pumpkin bombs in which would make sense for the glider and he tossed them toward Venom and they all hit him.

Venom was badly hurt but the man in the suit was speaking again but this time through the suits voice box Eddie could tell he was serious "Just remember my name is VIRUS!!" And as he spoke the flash of a second and he was gone and leaving Venom clueless and wondering who the hell is that guy?...

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