Meeting the symbiote

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 Aaron awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of thunder rolling in the sky and cars honking outside. Rain was pouring from the sky to Aaron it was a sign that something bad was going to happen he could feel it. Aaron let his legs motion to touch the floor and the white liquid goop made it's self present when Aaron's feet touched the floor. Aaron yelped in fright but forced his hand to cover his mouth to keep him from screaming in fear of it. But the goop let itself crawl up to Aaron's chest and it entered into his body. Aaron was so scared he fell back in his bed like he was going back to sleep. 

2 hours later...

 Aaron awoke from his fainted slumber and looked around again and just so that he was sure of what happened he looked under his bed with his brown hair flopping down to the floor making sure nothing was there. Aaron then got back to a normal stance then a white liquid surfaced itself from Aaron shoulder and it faced him with a white head a black facial features and fiery yellow and orange eyes. 

White liquid: "Where am I?" 

 As his head looked around trying to figure out it's surroundings but when it's eyes met Aaron's he was surprised at him. And Aaron motioned backwards to show he was afraid of this thing, the white alien's black teeth shone strongly in the light of the moon. 

White alien: "Who are you?" it asked Aaron. 

White alien: "You are so young and so fragile." The alien complimented Aaron's age and body.

 Aaron made a weird face at the alien who then asked his next question,

White alien: "What is your name boy?" Aaron was such in shock he did not know if wanted to run away or answer his question. Aaron then answered nervously,

Aaron: My name is Aaron, and whats your name?"

White alien: "My name is Anti-Venom."

 Aaron was unsure if that was his name but he still accepted his answer and Aaron nodded in understanding of this alien. 

Aaron: " So answer me this Anti-Venom, why are you here?" Anti-Venom was unsure just as much as Aaron was however. Anti-Venom looked around and saw Aaron's room then he went back inside of Aaron's body. Aaron was forced up by Anti-Venom and Anti-Venom then transformed into his full form,

 Anti-Venom crunched over and grinned with his claws aching to reach out and break free from Aaron's room

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 Anti-Venom crunched over and grinned with his claws aching to reach out and break free from Aaron's room. Then inside of the big alien Anti heard a voice of him and it was Aaron he was looking at Anti's body and complimenting inside of Anti's body. Inside the suit Aaron felt like he was floating inside of the whiteness of the inside. Anti-Venom had a very big black spider that laid spread across his white body. Anti-Venom's teeth shone with a moist texture blending in with his very beautiful facial features. Anti-venom then looked out the window and asked Aaron,

Anti-Venom: "Want Down?" inside Aaron looked and saw the rainy setting down below.

 Aaron told Anti with his thoughts yes, Anti-Venom then opened the window and slid out of the apartment with ease and posed his hand out with his other and sticking onto the wall and he shot a white strand of some goop and it struck a surface as though it had some sticky like texture. Anti-venom then jumped off the wall ridge he was on and swung in the air, Aaron on the inside was screaming because he had the fear of fall Anti-Venom on the other hand felt like he was stretching. Anti-Venom roared as he swung around the corner and he left the apartment complex.

 Anti-Venom swung above cars and the rain still pored down and hard thunder was rolling in the sky. Anti-Venom then swung and did a side flip in the air and landed onto a light pole and he watched the cars below the street and they all seemed to not notice him when he was up on the light poles. Rain poured on Anti-Venom's white body and his face but Anti-Venom looked over and saw some people in a car lot. Anti-Venom growled when he saw them Aaron asked Anti,

Aaron/Inside the suit: "WAIT!!, are we seriously about to go in there?" Aaron asked with a worried expression written on his face. Anti-Venom just simply squinted and he jumped off of the lamp post and swung all the way to the parking lot where five men were trying to break and get into some cars that were shut down and set there for companies to use for later purposes. 

 Anti-venom thumped onto the roof which caused the five men to stop doing what they were doing and look up onto the roof. Anti-Venom leaned over letting one of the men to see him and his eyes which were petrifying enough to stare into. Anti-Venom then jumped down in between all five of the men which caused the men to face him with the tools they were using to already try and steal the cars. One of the men asked,

Man #1: "Yo man what the hell are you?" Anti-Venom replied with a sharp hiss and still held his gaze with all five of them.

 Then one of the men charged at Anti-Venom but he took him by the jacket and threw him so hard he bent the sides of one of the cars they were trying to steal. Then all at once the men started to charge at Anti which caused him to cause rampage and get very angry with them.

 Anti-Venom then grabbed one of the men by the arm and grabbed another one by the leg and he made them clash together causing both of them to spurt out red blood from impact with each other

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 Anti-Venom then grabbed one of the men by the arm and grabbed another one by the leg and he made them clash together causing both of them to spurt out red blood from impact with each other. Anti-Venom then clashed them together again and he definitely made some real damage to them. He then slammed both of them on the ground causing a cloud of mist to form when he slammed them onto the ground he then stomped on the ground and leaped into the air and he turned to face the two men who remained unharmed so far and he flew in with his fist and he landed in a puff of dust from the dirt and when the dust cleared Anti-Venom could be seen with blood covered clawed hands and the heads of both of the men who were still alive but was now dead.

 Anti-Venom tossed the two heads to the car where all five of the men were originally working on before they were all killed. Anti-Venom let out a throat shattering roar of victory over the thugs and he left the scene of the bodies as if he was not even touched by him. The rain still poured into the earth and the last thing that could be seen was Anti-Venom and Aaron leaping off into the night with the darkness still visible after the white and black crusader left and the dead criminals were the only things to see on that very cold and wet rainy night. 

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