Home sweet home

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Aaron and the group finally made it safe and sound back home. It was a long and very painful road but he was home. Aaron breathed in the fresh air around him and he sat down on a building ledge and just stared at the view. Andi sat next to him and hugged him and she just held him close. Nebula and Venom we're talking with Miguel and Andi looked at Aaron, "Hey uhm, Aaron I have something to tell you." Aaron looked over "What is it Andi?" Aaron asked. "I can't stay here with you." Aaron's face transformed into complete shock. "Wh.what?" Aaron sputtered in disbelief. "It's true I can't stay here otherwise my atoms and my body will go through a painful process. And I don't want to go either but I have to so that I can live."

Aaron was more sad now but he had to learn how to accept it. "Will I ever see you again?" Andi smiled "Aaron Bishop, I do not know, but when ever you look into the stars think about one of them, as me." She said as she put her head against his and she kept it there for a little while. Miguel walked over to Aaron and Andi and he said to Andi "It's time to go kid." Andi just nodded and she got up while holding her hand out to help Aaron up and when she did she pulled his m into a kiss. And Aaron held it there for awhile before they broke apart.

Miguel and Andi walked back through the portal and wished them a farewell and Andi told Aaron that she loved him. Then with a snap of a button the portal was gone and now it was just the three of them. Aaron smiled and rushed over to Eddie and Nebula and hugged them both and he told them "I love you guys." They hugged Aaron back while both saying "We love you too." And when they pulled away Eddie said "Alright let's get you home."

Aaron was still sad that he didn't get to see his girlfriend or his mom again but he was happy about the thing he had wanted ever since he had gotten to that dimension which was to just be home. When they reached the apartment Eddie was the first one through the door and then Nebula followed by Aaron. Maria and Cletus both said his name and he hugged them both. Feeling like a hero who was just welcomed home. Aaron then noticed how oddly close the two were and he let go of them and he asked them both. "Did you guys get together when I was gone?" They both looked at each other and nodded yes. Aaron was shocked and asking weirded out but he was okay with it.

Aaron sat down on his bed and just slept for a while. Aaron knew one thing for sure was that he was just happy to be home.


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P.S, this is art I did myself for this book!!

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