Nebula and her mission

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 3 Hours before Aaron and Andi...

 Nebula had just gotten out of the shower when she had did she had a towel around her head and just a shirt with some japanese writing on it and her black underwear underneath the shirt.

 Nebula had just gotten out of the shower when she had did she had a towel around her head and just a shirt with some japanese writing on it and her black underwear underneath the shirt

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 Her blue thighs were big and wiggling with every step and after she put the towel down she looked around and she saw Miguel's room and she walked over to it. And had seen a note on his door saying that he was out doing is "Job" and she smiled and walked back over and her underwear had looked like it was hugging her bottom and she knew it was good to be her with her body. 

Downtown, Night time. 10.p.m

 Spider-man was perched on a roof top that had a green plastered wall with a door that read "staircase" and had a green exit sign illuminating the dark corner and Spider-Man was watching some guys dressed in black with tactical goggles and guns were entering the building that was diagonal to the one Miguel was perched on. He then thought to himself "Well well lets see whats going down in bad guy town." Spider-Man then leaped off of the building stealthy and onto the next building above the ones that the bad guys were in. Spider-man then shot a web stran to a part of the ceiling he was sticking to and watched in further detail as the bad guys were talking about some kind of cargo import. But then Spider-Man jumped off of the roof and then shot a web line to the frame outside of the building and swung and broke the glass with such a force that many pieces of glass had flew so hard that it had punctured and took down most of the bad guys but two of them started to shoot at Spider-Man.

 But then Spider-Man jumped off of the roof and then shot a web line to the frame outside of the building and swung and broke the glass with such a force that many pieces of glass had flew so hard that it had punctured and took down most of the ba...

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 Miguel then flipped over the guy in front who was fireing his wrist cannon and he then tripped the guy and laid down a punch to the guys head with a K.O and Spider-Man thought fast and he then webbed the other guys feet and tripped him and webbed him up making sure he stayed to the ground stuck in silver webbing. Spider-Man then shot a web to a upper level balcony and pulled with one arm. And when he got up there he kicked a guy into a wall causing him to bust the dry wall. Then Spider-Man shot a web between a guys legs and Spider-Man slid between his legs quickly and kicked him in his back so hard it knocked him out. And Spider-Man webbed him to the ground. 

 Miguel then improvised and climbed the wall and popped open a vent shaft and crawled his way inside with some of the lights inside the vent lit up his mask as he crawled through the vents until he finally made it up to the room where Dr.Patel was inside and she was downloading some kind of pdf documents. Miguel then shot two webs and pulled and then released them and punched the vent door and did a front flip and landed in a classic Spider-Man pose. Dr.Patel then turned to face him with a bored expression and she just a clicked a button and she smiled while one of her arms reached for a flash drive which was plugged into the computers box then she smiled and smashed the box in which held the drive information. She then smiled and said "You better watch your back Spider-Man this was only a fling tata." she said as she and her arms smashed through the roof and left Spider-Man to rest on the floor. 

 A couple of hours later...

 Miguel landed into the window sill of his room and opened the window quietly while snatching his mask and tossed it onto his bed. And held a grimmaced expression and he went to his door and he opened it just a peek and saw Nebula nestiling herself into her pillow and smiling and she rolled over revealing her black underwear and Miguel looked suprised and blushed a little bit and shut the door quietly. Miguel then took off of his suit and put on some pajamas and he fell right asleep and smiled as he drempt and had a wet dream of Nebula and him and it made him feel good for the night.

Present time.

 After Aaron and Andi had done what they did Aaron smiled and held Andi close to him and she held him close and they laid on the roof in the shade. Andi held him close and then something unexpected Anti-Venom and the black symbiote removed itself from Aaron and they swapped so that now Aaron and Anti-Venom were back together and Andi was back with hers and she looked more beautiful in black. Andi held him so close Aaron could feel the softness of her warm breasts. And Aaron asked her "Hey what brought you here this dimension?" He asked and her white eyes glanced over to his yellow and orange colored ones and she smiled and held his hand and just whispered "This will be a topic that I can tell you later." And Aaron nodded and smiled and he and her just held eachother close and tight like they were going to seperate from eachother. Then Aaron heard a very familiar voice "Hello Aaron." Aaron then sat up and he spoke to the voice "A.Anti?" Then the voice replied "Yes Aaron we are together again." Anti-Venom said.

 Andi then sat up with her hands to her side and she rasied her eyebrow then Aaron looked at her and blushed and he said "Andi this is my friend and protector Anti-Venom." and Andi waved and smiled and Anti-Venom reached over Aaron's shoulder and smiled. Then Anti-Venom stated something very important "Aaron, Andi we need a plan to get out of here." And Aaron thought for a moment with Andi she nodded and Aaron nodded. Because all of them knew that they had to go home.

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