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The gold and battered up grey colored machine stood above on a rooftop watching the apartment burn. He had thought he killed Eddie Brock but what he did not know was that Eddie was not even inside of the apartment when he lit it up. Virus tilted his head to the side and smirked underneath the helmet and he thought victory was his but God had a different plan.

Venom landed on the rooftop silently and he snuck up on Virus. Although it seemed like Virus was busy with something else but all in the while he had no idea what was in store for him. Like a crack of a whip Venom punched Virus hard and he tackled him to the ground while still roaring and punching him. Virus was surprised by Venoms appearance, Virus rammed his knee into Venoms ribs with the last strike of the second Virus used his repulser blasters. He charged them up which caused it to him to life then he shot a huge blast sending Venom off of the rooftop and down in the dumps of the alley behind the building he fell off of.

As Venom fell he hit his head on a stairwell railing but he managed to catch himself before he fell. He used his hand to pull himself up and onto the surface of the railing he had just grabbed. Venom laid down after his fall the aftermath of the blast had taken affect on him when Venom was severely wounded from the blast. His white eyes shimmered in the moon's light and he sat up knowing that he had to finish this fight. Venom slipped away into the shadows and Eddie now used his phone and called Aaron.

Virus flew down to the alley and the suit let out exhaust as it landed. His yellow eyes glowed in the dark. Inside the suits display system the man inside activated thermo vision which allowed the suit to use it's sensors to pick up signals of heat signatures. He looked around the suit groaned while he moved some of the brown tape that looked like it was white flapped on the night breeze.

But with a screech on top of a rooftop somewhere out came Anti-Venom as he swung in by a web line he did a barrel roll in mid-air while dodging some bullets that were being shot from the suits wrist gauntlets and some of the mounted cannons on his back. But Anti-Venom landed behind him followed by a kick to the back of his right leg. He then webbed his arms to each side of the building. Then he punched the helmet hard enough that it damaged some of the mainframe software and also destroying the eye holes that the person inside could see.

Venom then came out of the shadows with his fists balled and his tongue flickering in and out. He then let Aaron step aside and Venom took his hand and ripped the helmet off it's hinges. Revealing that the man inside was non other than Matt Gargan a.k.a The Scorpion. Venoms eyes carried an angry expression and he ripped out the chest cavity and revealed a body cast materialized with the suit. Venom digged his claws deep into the suit and ripped more and more pieces. Off of the suit.

Thunder rolled in the sky giving a sign that it was not a good idea to be out in the rain. But before they could make up their minds it started out a light drizzle but ended up with a lot and much more heavier rain. Causing Venom and Anti-Venom wet and very moist looking. In the rain with the sweet smell in the air and the light post above them shining it's artificial light down on them with little insects sticking and flying around the light.

Gargan wiggled inside of the suit not because he was afraid of Venom, but because of Anti-Venom and the way his eyes glowed like as if hellfire were burning in them. He looked up and down at both of them and he tried to fold himself inside of the suit. Anti-Venom grabbed his chest piece of the body cast and he ripped it out of its sockets. And he leaned in really close until his face was almost pressuring Gargan that they were almost touching.

"You hide your self in this pathetic piece of armor. What for??" Anti-Venom asked. Gargan felt his breath on his face and he finally found a button inside of the suit and he pressed it. The suit hummed to life and the inside lights of the suit beamed red and there was a voice coming from the suit that spoke "Ten seconds until suit will Self-destruct!" Anti-Venoms eyes went wide as he heard the voice and he yelled to Venom "Run Eddie take cover!!" Venom followed suit and ran with Anti-Venom as they both ran Gargan laughed and he pressed another button which cancelled the suits self destruct sequence to activate a back up power supply and he also activated his thrusters and he flew off.

But he wasn't going to get away that easily. Anti-Venom and Venom both shot web strands to the bottom boots of the damaged armor and Gargan threw a few pumpkin bombs with yellow eyes on them and he watches as they fell and hit Anti-Venom and Venom both but Venom was more prone to the damage done by the bombs while Anti-Venom was not. Anti-Venom dodged the last two and the third one that was hurtling towards Anti-Venom he webbed it up in enough time to swing it back and make it directly hit Gargan but Gargan was not so faulty to come to this fight unprepared.

Gargan took a piece of metal from the back of his neck in the suit and he placed it over his face. It turned out to be a replacement helmet. The eyes glowed a bright blue as this helmet was clearly the original helmet that was to the suit. He then pressed a button on the inside of his forearm which hid what he pressed. Down below Anti-Venom could hear a humming sound coming from the back of the alley and it flew out fast. But Aaron had this sixth sense that it was coming and he quickly dodged out of the way. And it was a glider Aaron was unfamiliar with the origin of the glider but he did not want to know. Virus flew off and into the sky leaving Anti-Venom without any answers or any clues that might help him in the future.

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