The goodies Vs The goonies

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 Venom then leaped over the two and he began to attack the first goonie on the glider Anti-Venom began attacking another goonie and Carnage was left with the last one to attack. The clouds in the sky started to begin to spin and turn into night. Anti-Venom was now on a chasing spree because one of the goblins began to fly away from the scene.

 Anti-Venom was going after one in a red armor with what looked like fire spewing from his mouth and his eyes were a fire orange with black sharp points that looked like snake eyes

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 Anti-Venom was going after one in a red armor with what looked like fire spewing from his mouth and his eyes were a fire orange with black sharp points that looked like snake eyes. The one in red laughed and reached in his pouch and pulled out a red and black bomb that looked like a pumpkin he then clicked it and the sprout of the pumpkin sunk in and he threw it at Anti-Venom when it hit him he felt the impact from the explosive which sent a wave of wind from the blast causing Anti-Venom to fall back into the street and roll and the Goblin in the red and black suit flyed back and had two blades from his glider extended and was ready to pierce him in the heart. Anti-Venom did a backflip and dodged the blades before they could even get any closer Anti-Venom then flipped around and shot a web and pulled making the red goblin fall and lose balance off of the glider.

 Anti-Venom then formed a blade and lunged at the red goblin, Anti-Venom stabbed the red goblin in the chest and he yelled in pain but splattered from his chest inside of the armor it pierced his skin muscle and other things that felt really really painful. Anti-Venom pulled the blade out and looked as the red goblin fell and the fire in his mouth and eyes dimmed and the life fell from his body and he just slumped over lifeless. Anti-Venom deformed his blade and web swung back to help his friends. Venom smashed the glider of the green goblin over his head piercing the blades inside of the green goblin's head. Venom just jumped on the glider and stuck it in more just to be sure he was dead.

 The hobgoblin was however capable of leaving but while he did he saw Anti-Venom swinging back to the scene. The hobgoblin laughed as he to a purple and blue device from his utility belt and threw it into the air and when it detonated it exploded into a portal and the hobgoblin leaped off of his glider and took Anti-Venom by the arms and swung him into the air as kicked him inside of the portal with him following behind. Venom and Carnage both witnessed as Aaron was taken from them.

Inside the portal: 

 Aaron was struggling with the hobgoblin but he just tapped a button on his gauntlet and he activated a certain gas to knock out Aaron.

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