Burning Bridges

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Aaron was confused about the situation at hand. A warning a sign what could it all mean but he had no time because he heard the faint sound of sirens filling the air. And the color of red and blue filling the faded colored buildings. Aaron was just in time to join the party. Anti-Venom leaped down off of his web strand and he positioned himself to get more speed downward and he shot a white web strand to a building wall and swung right down into the action. Anti-Venom grinned as he pulled on the web and he did a backflip and landed onto a cop car.

The police men inside of the car looked up and thought it was someone else. But it was Anti-Venom and he leaped off of the roof of the car he faced the cops that were inside of the car, and gave them a thumbs up. He then dove down then shot another web strand onto another building wall. He pulled and swinged with momentum getting to the scene as fast as he could.

Anti-Venom then camouflaged himself to blend in with his surroundings. Aaron inside of the suit had no idea Aaron was capable of doing that. Anti-Venom leaped up and shot another web strand but this time he landed directly to the scene of the crime. Fire burned all around the metal container he covered his face with his hand. The flames were bright and blinding. But again Anti-Venoms sixth sense was alarmed. When he turned around a man in a red and blue suit landed in front of him. His eyes reflected the sun in his eyes the black outlining of his suit and his chest revealed a small black spider resting on his chest.

The man waved his hand to the police and he turned around to be greeted by Anti-Venom. It was strange because the color scheme looked vaguely familiar but he just shook the weird feeling. "Whoa hey there big guy who are you?" Anti-Venom replied "We are Anti-Venom, who are you?" Anti-Venom asked in response to the man's question. "Well isn't it quite obvious?" He asked pointing to himself. Anti-Venom just stood in silence. "I'm Spider-Man!" Anti-Venom raised an eyebrow "Another one?" Even now Spider man looked confused. "Well it doesn't matter we have a burning building to save!!" Anti-Venom stated as he leaped into the air and shot two web lines and used his feet at the angle he was at to break into the building.

Spider-man soon followed suit and he joined Anti-Venom in his quest to save any civilians in the building. Inside the building Spider man landed on the ground and he looked around inside of the room. It was filled with burning orange flames and grey ash colored smoke. The intensity of the situation was very real and Spider man was no stranger when it came to him being a hero.

Spider-man webbed a patch of webbing on his face as a way to breath in the midst of the flames and heavy patched on smoke. Spider-man found Anti-Venom he had a few people on his shoulders. Spider-mans eyes shrunk in expression when he looked deeper into the texture and the color of the clothes that were attached to the bodies. Although it was hard to see in the fire. But the colors he could make out were white and black with a very small but yet a very familiar green outlining. And the tags is what made the connection the I.D badges that read the words in grey stitching it read OSCORP. Spider-mans eyes widened in recognition of the words and it directly lead him to believe that Norman Osborn was behind this attack. But Spider-Man helped Anti-Venom with the people who were in the building Spider man had collected all of the doctors badges and he put them in a plastic bag and zipped it up and handed them to the police. Besides one of them one of them he kept for himself and that was the lead scientists of the building that was set ablaze.

Anti-Venom just looked down and he leaped into the air and he shot a web to a nearby building and he pulled on to the web and he was gone. But Spider-Man shot a web and he was gone to. Anti-Venom was on a building ledge when Spider man landed right next to him. "So you must be new to this whole thing huh?" Anti-Venom just looked away and down at the street. "Well for starters..." Spider-man said as he pulled off his mask and he said "The name's Peter, Peter Parker." He said as he put his hand out so that Anti-Venom could shake it. But Anti-Venom just deformed from his self to reveal Aaron in the midst of the white and black goop. Peter was shocked that he was just a kid. "Wow your.. Your just a kid?!?"  "Yeah I am." Aaron replied Peter just placed his hand on Aarons shoulder and he told him "look buddy this job this line it..it isn't easy." Aaron just nodded and he had tears in his eyes as he looked at Peter. " And...the hardest part of this job is you can't save everyone." Aaron was sad because this was the same thing that he said to his mom right before the explosion.

Peter patted him on the shoulder and he put his mask back on. Aaron looked at him said "Peter!" Spider man just stopped mid traced to the edge of the building ledge and he turned around. "Yeah?" Aaron just looked down and he asked "Can you help me be a better hero?" Spider-man smirked under his mask and he said "Yeah...that that I can do." He said as he leaped off of the building and disappeared into the air. Anti-Venom just reappeared over Aaron's shoulder and he said to him "You are going to like that guy he is a good one." Aaron smiled and he asked Anti-Venom"Ready?" Anti-Venom nodded as he transformed into his white and black self once more and he smirked as he leaped off of the building ledge while roaring into the air.

For one thing was for certain while Aaron was swinging in the city. "For in this life there is a choice. There is a chance for you to be greater than whatever you choose to be now. Because In quotation of my mom with great power comes great responsibility. Before this I had been no one but do you want to know who I am?...you really want to know...I'm Anti-Venom."

The end

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The end...For now!!

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