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 When Aaron had returned home he and Anti-Venom laughed with excitement rushing through their veins Aaron felt alive for the first time ever in his life. But as usual day eventually turned into night, Aaron was dreaming about swinging through the streets of colorado. It was fun to dream about causing Aaron to smile. Until Aaron heard a loud thump onto his window causing him to shake awake. he looked at the window only to see that same alien girl that had seen from the alley.

 She stood at the base of the window while gripping the outside wall she knocked on the window lightly Aaron was confused on how she had found him and let alone at his house

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 She stood at the base of the window while gripping the outside wall she knocked on the window lightly Aaron was confused on how she had found him and let alone at his house. Aaron tried to hide his already blushing face from the alien girl, he let her in she was so cute up close plus she had the perfect body Aaron thought to himself. She stood in his room with her yellow golden body that glowed in the moonlight. The alien girl walked over and sat on his bed and crossed her long legs over each other. She tilted her head and squinted making her white eyes bend with her eyes.

Alien girl: "You I sensed that you were here."

 Aaron was shocked and had to think for a good second until he remembered Anti was in his body. The girl got up from his bed and tilted her head to him and embraced him with a hug, Aaron stood up to her chest which was pressed against his face which was very awkward for him but he blushed madley because this to him was the first time he had any girls chest pressed against him. She was blushing without Aaron realising it, she let go and quickly lost the loving rush in her face.

 Aaron's hands and his whole body began to transform into Anti-Venom and opened the window which had a cold breeze coming out of it. He leaped out and swung out of his room and to the same light pole that he had first landed on when he was first transformed. But the alien girl followed him Anti-Venom lept and had his hands back and his thigh thrusted forward as he roared,

 Anti-Venom shot a web from the top of his hand and spinned around a pole and stuck to the pole with his hand in between his legs which were spread out and his other hand stuck to the pole but further out than the other arm

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 Anti-Venom shot a web from the top of his hand and spinned around a pole and stuck to the pole with his hand in between his legs which were spread out and his other hand stuck to the pole but further out than the other arm. The alien girl shot a web kind of like Anti-Venom's accept she had a yellow type of web strand and she did a backflip and landed on a building ledge staring into the street below. Anti saw a helicopter flying above and he shot a web and pulled himself up to the helicopter railing that was welded to the bottom of the flying vehicle. Aaron felt scared inside of the suit because he could see where they were and he was very scared of heights. The alien girl followed action and she followed him but in different ways she was able to scale up walls and web swing until she caught up to him.

 The helicopter flew up to a very high building that was in downtown denver, he shot a web and pulled himself he did a side flip and landed inside the building when he landed from impact he crashed through a window and landed in an attack pose. The alien girl finally made it to the high building he was in but she crashed through another window on a lower level of the building. 

Alien girl p.o.v

 The suit I was bonded to vanished before my eyes my hair flipped down as the light blue color hued brightly as it flowed down to my shoulders. My chest was covered in a school top and I wore a skirt that was black and white. The normal girl who was in the yellow suit similar to the white and black suit. The girl walked to and elevator and pressed the down button and she entered the elevator but someone else had pressed a button the same elevator and it was up, I blushed and put my head down because I had a feeling that I knew who it was.  

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