Catching the public's eye

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 When Anti-Venom returned back to Aaron's room in his apartment when he returned inside he closed the window behind him. Anti-Venom then slipped into Aaron's bed and he fell asleep as he transferred back to Aaron and they both slept peacefully until the morning was to come.

 Aaron woke up as usual to the sound of his older sister waking him up for online school, his sister then looked because she saw that his blanket was covered in what looked like blood. Aaron awkwardly smiled and folded up his blanket but his sister just rolled her eyes and walked away to the bathroom. Anti-Venom came out of Aaron's shoulder all sleepy eyed and tired from last nights events. Aaron then snapped at Anti,

Aaron: "Anti, What the heck is this?" Aaron asked still tired Anti-Venom.

Anti-Venom: "W-What do you mean?" Then Aaron pointed to the blood splatted blanket.

 Anti-Venom's face expression did not change when he saw the blood on the blanket,Anti-Venom then went back into Aaron's body and transferred himself into Aaron's hands. Aaron cupped Anti in his hands as he left his room Anti-Venom vanished back into the barriers of Aaron's body. Aaron made his way down the stairs and saw his mom still sleeping and he grabbed his laptop and started his online school.

After school

 After Aaron finished his school he left the apartment and went for a walk down the street leaving the complex. Aaron felt the fall wind brush against his skin, it felt good against it Aaron turned the street to another one that was the street out of the complex and to the outside road with traffic speeding in and out back and forth. Aaron started walking the sidewalk beside the street and he looked around the fall feel was starting to come together in aurora Colorado. The leaves started to fall and change around him, Anti-Venom then alarmed Aaron and Aaron went to behind an abandoned gas station and he changed into Anti-Venom and he shot a sticky web substance from the top of his hand and Anti-Venom swung up and landed on the gas station pump section's roof and stared down at all the people walking, waiting for the bus, talking, and driving in there cars. 

 Anti-Venom squinted and saw in another part of the street a speeding car making it's way down the street speeding as fast as it can. He then shot a web strand again and started to pursuit the car, Anti-Venom then did a big back flip and shot two more web's and it landed onto the roof of the car. When he landed onto the cars roof the windows shattered and cracked Anti then let go of the web strands and he climbed to the side of the car he punched the back door to the car and pulled it off it's hinges. Anti-Venom then roared and punched one of the men in the face twice and pulled him out of the car but shot a web and let the criminal land with ease and saved him from fall but he shot another web tying him up and let the cops deal with him. Anti then did a hand stand on the car but the car itself made a sharp right turn around the corner causing Anti-Venom to loose his grip but he remained on the car itself. He then continued with his next attack he was back into his handstand position and he crunched himself and he rotated in the car and kicked the criminal on the left side out of the car. But at the same time he made the other door fall off the hinges. He then shot two more webs one for keeping him safe from street impact and the second for tying him up and letting the cops arrest him.

 Anti-Venom then ripped off the seat belt off of the women in trouble and he folded his hand into a larger fist and smashed the back window out of the frame of the car. Then he shot a web that latched onto a building and jumped out the backside of the car and landed to safety on the sidewalk where crowds of people smiled and started to clap as Anti-Venom let the women go. Anti then jumped up to a pole and he jumped off of it and swung and shot another web to swing around the corner away from the crowd but some people were able to catch a picture and some videos  of him.

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