Scream and Carnage

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 Scream was laying on the couch of Eddie's apartment and was looking at an old photograph of her and Aaron on their first date. And she smiled showing the white in her teeth was gleaming off of the moon. Carnage sprouted from Cletus's shoulder and went behind the couch she was laying on and he was able to see the photograph she was looking at. After she wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her sweater she then looked from the photograph up at Cletus who was holding a cup of tea for her and she smiled and sat up while shoving the picture into her sweater pocket and tapped the couch for Cletus to sit next to her. Cletus sat down and he gave her the tea and she smiled while whispering "Thank you." and Cletus caught on and he kissed her head tenderly and she skooted next to him and rested her head on his shoulder and nestled into it like she had just gotten home after a long shift of work and his shoulder was her pillow. Cletus set the cup on the coffee table and he leaned on the arm of the couch and she rested on his body and Cletus held his arms around her and she began to cry.

 Cletus started to groom her hair and she just let her tears come out of her face like a never ending river stream. After a few minutes she sniffed and she began to choke out "Why...why did it have to be him?, why not me?" Cletus didn't know how to respond because he was never in a close relationship with another person before but he did the best he could and he just hugged her into him and she hugged him back with the wishful prayer that he would never let her go. Maria cried in his arms and held on for as long as he could and he promised her that it would be alright. Blaring on the T.V was the News report saying that Aaron had dissapaeread from the face of the planet when Nebula was out in the other dimension looking and searching for him and trying to protect and bring him home.

 Eddie just leaned against the pillar of the kitchen and he thought back to the time of when he first thought of Nebula. The thought trickled down his mind and the expression on his face was readable that he thought about it. Nebula when she first met him he was on a mission in space and she took his breath away. Venom sprouted from Eddie's shoulder and glanced at the young couple and Venom smiled and the fulness of redness in his cheeks began to sprout he then looked at Eddie and smiled as Eddie looked back at him and walked out of the kitchen to give them some privacy.

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