Chapter 24

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"It- it doesn't matter. Your dream job?" I press.
"Layla, what did I do? Are you sure? I- I swear I didn't know!" He stumbles on his words.
"I know you didn't." I reply trying to keep the sadness out of my voice. "It doesn't matter Sirius, it's in the past now."
"It does matter."
"Sirius.." I trail off, wishing I were somewhere else. I think about my comfortable duvet and how I miss it right now. "Please.. It doesn't matter."
We fall into a comfortable silence, well at least I find it comfortable. Sirius obviously doesn't as he interrupts the silence.
"That's my dream job."
A few more minutes pass before I speak up again. "It's getting late, we should go back to the common room."
He leads me through the giant doors of the room of requirement and suddenly the cold air of the corridor hits my bare skin. I'm such an idiot to forget my jacket. Sirius chuckles.
"Do you want mine?" He asks, leads taking it off.
"Oh no, I'm fine." He laughs quietly again before placing the jacket over my shoulders. "Thank you.." I mumble quietly.
We continue our journey in silence, Sirius seems to find it comfortable now as he does not disrupt it. When we reach the portrait hole he mumbles the password (courage) to the fat lady who, might I add, loves him.
"Here's your jacket." I say handing him back the jacket. "And I'll see you around." I make my way to the girls staircase faster than usual, eager to get away from him.
"Layla.." I turn around slowly.
"I am sorry."
"Don't be."
I continue on my way up the stairs to the girls dorm, pretending not to hear the quiet 'goodnight'.

"Mmmm and where have you been missy?" Alice reprimands motherly, but I know that she's just itching to know where I was.
"Nowhere." Came my usual pathetic excuse.
"Ooooo it must be good if you don't want us to know! Lily interjected.
"It's not that I don't want you to know, it's just that it's not important." I enthuse.
They both give me pointed look, willing me to spill.
"What's going on?" Marlene asks, exiting the bathroom in her pyjamas. "Oh Layla! Where've you been?"
"She doesn't want to tell us!"
I receive three pointed looks.
"Ok I was with Sirius, but it's not that big of a deal as we're just friends - if that." I mumble quickly. They still manage to catch every word.
"You were what?"
"No way!"
"Did he try anything funny?"
"Guys. Guys. Calm down. We were just playing 20 questions.." I try to sooth the situation which was steadily becoming more and more out of control.
"And?" They all pressed. So being the person I am, I told them everything. From the room to the patronus to telling him who my crush used to be and why. They seem conflicted somehow.
"It's sweet that he wanted to know if you had a crush on anyone.." Alice starts.
"And it shows that he likes you. And having the same patronus means that you're practically soul mates!" Marlene interjects.
"But he's a total tool for not realising what he did that day." Lily finishes.
"I'm just it quite sure how to act around him now.."
"Normal. Act completely normal. As if the whole thing never happened even." Lily replies.
"Yeah, that would really confuse him." Marlene agrees.
"Do we want that?"

Sirius' POV

She quickly runs out of the hall. Of course she would be leaving.. I mean I was staring at her for about half an hour. And then I did initiate awkward conversation. Before I even realise what I'm doing I get up and follow her. She must hear my footsteps because she starts speeding up. Merlin damn it. I speed up also, soon I'm sprinting towards the girl, who is constantly picking up speed. She reaches for the library door. Yes! Just a couple more seconds and I will reach her. My hand automatically grabs her wrist before she can disappear into the library.
"Please.. Stop.. Running.." I pant, not realising how out of breath I am until I start to speak.
"I need to go. Just let go of me." She mumbles, avoiding eye contact at all costs. I feel my heart plummet. She doesn't even want to look at me.
"Just hear me out." I try to get her to look at me but she won't, I silently plead with her to look at me.
"Fine. But inside." She finally replies. I resist the urge to do a mini fist pump, that would change her mind instantly.
"Thank you." I reply quietly. I'm just silently Praising Merlin as she leads me to the back corner of the library, where the shelves are higher and there are no people. She sits in one of the seats gently and i takes the one opposite her. In my eagerness to sit across from her I fell heavily on the chair. I hope she didn't notice. My gaze returns to her for a few moments, she still doesn't return my gaze.
"So..?" She prompts me quickly, obviously wanting this talk to be over as quickly as possible. She may also want me to stop staring at her.
"I didn't mean to. I was thinking about how much I wanted to kiss you and how beautiful you looked with the wind flowing through your hair and your red cheeks and your eyes shut, looking so at peace. I just wanted to be a part of that and then I stupidly went to kiss you. I knew that it was a jerk move as soon as I did it but by then it was too late and you were already running away. I tried to catch up and explain but you're too fast. I am terrified of losing you Layla. I don't even have you but I don't want to lose the little bit of trust that still remains and I will do anything to gain your full trust. Please let me make it up. Please let me take you out again and prove to you that I just want to make you happy." The words spill from my mouth before i even realise what I'm saying. It's all true though, every word and I know that I would do anything to keep this magnificent girl in front of me happy, even leave her alone. But first I need to make sure that leaving her alone would make her happier than being with me. I know that it wouldn't make me happier and I selfishly take my preference into consideration as well. My gaze never left Layla and I see her almost brought to tears by the end of my explanation.. Is that's good thing? Did I offend her? Ah sh*t I messed it up. Damn. Damn. Damn.
"I- I'm not sure.. But we- we can be friends and built trust from there?" She suggests quietly, obviously trying to find a happy medium for me. I can only imagine how bright my smile must be.
"I would love that. And thank you so much. Thank you Layla." I stutter.
"Umm it's ok." She replies, seemingly confused.
"Do you want to come with me," wow that sounded so cool Sirius.. *facepalm* (I didn't actually facepalm) I need to think of something interesting to show her. The room of requirements. "I'll show you a really cool room that hogwarts has. It's secret but because we're friends I'll show you." I say excitedly.
"What type of room?" She ask slightly confused.

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