Chapter 21

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I keep running. As far as my feet can carry me and away from him. I don't know why he did that, but he did. My thoughts are a whirlwind.
I'm not sure where I'm going but I honestly don't care.
Soon I find myself running down the hallways of the castle. There are echoing footsteps behind me. I'm not sure whether it's my footsteps echoing or if he is following me.
Quickly I dart inside the nearest empty classroom. I duck behind the desk and curl myself into a small ball.
One year ago I would have died to experience what just happened. But now? Now I just want to go back to being ignored by the player, Sirius Black.
I concentrate on my breathing and slowing down my heart beat. It was just an almost-kiss. It's not like my life was threatened. I'm ok. I now have a reason not to go out with him again. I can ignore him and have a 'valid reason' now. This isn't a bad thing and I'm ok.
Slowly I feel my racing heartbeat return to normal. I'm fine.


And that was the door being flung open... By none other than peeves. Damn poltergeist.
"I know you're theeeeeeeere!" He taunts. "Come out and plaaaaaaaaay... Or are you the girl whom the prankster is looking for? Oh you are. You are!" He takes a second to wink at me. "SHE'S OVER HERE!! QUICK, QUICK.. SHE'S GETTING AWAY!"
I run again, back to the common room this time. I can hear footsteps behind me, this time they're defiantly not mine. I turn my head slightly, only to see that Black is catching up to me.
Seeing the portrait hole up ahead I yell, "Accio" and she opens quickly. I jump through the portrait hole and happily notice that she swung shut behind me, allowing me a couple more seconds to rush up the stairs to my dorm. That's all I need, and I'm gone by the time the fat lady had swung forwards again.
"Damn it." I hear behind me as I slam the door shut and fall on my bed, pulling the curtains closed around me as I do.
Well that was hectic.
I fall asleep almost immediately afterwards.




"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I scream to the annoying person who seems to just want to cause me misery and disrupt my sleep.

"Woah calm down there grouchy, we just got back and wanted to know how your date went" Alice joked, lightening my mood slightly.. Until the memories of that horrific date reappeared. Oh well, I need to put it behind me.
"It wasn't a date." I mumble quietly.
"Mmmhmmm and I'm not failing divination" Marlene replies sarcastically.
"Honestly, it wasn't. Lily and James got caught up in a conversation... Which is why she's not back yet.. Oh she must have had an amazing time"
"Stop changing the subject, we'll question lily when she gets back. It's your turn right now." Alice says sternly.
"Ok, ok. Sheesh. Anyway, so Black and I decided to leave them to themselves. We went to honeydukes, got sweets then walked to the shrieking shack. He then tried to kiss me so I ran away very fast and came back here.. So how was your day?" I finished in a rush before they could interrupt and bombard me with questions.
"WHAT?" Alice exclaimed.
"YOU RAN AWAY?" Marlene yelled incredulously.
Before they have a chance to scream more about the matter I interrupt, "guys calm down. I think he was just trying to make me go in for a kiss then back off and gloat about how I 'want' him. But I didn't so everything's fine." Seeing their still unsure faces I add, "however, when I left lily she seemed to be having a great time.. I think she may be starting to see James in a whole new light."
At that moment lily drifted into the room, as if my words had beckoned her. Seeing us all there watching her, she began to smile softly.
"Hey guys" she mumbled before falling dreamily into bed. Before she can pull the curtains shut, Marlene had already ripped them from her grip.
"Spill!" She squeals.
I join them and we all spread out on Lily's (now crowded) bed, eagerly waiting her story.
"He's different to how he was." She starts...

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