Chapter 8

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~Layla's POV~

"Hey, hey Layla wait up!" I turn around to see James running towards me.

"'Sup James?"

"I just decided to find lily with you." He said and I have to praise him for the fact that he does love her. It's sweet really, too bad lily doesn't see it that way.

"You know, if you act the way you are with your friends, not cocky and arrogant, you would stand a chance with her. She doesn't like how cocky you are but if you were just friendly and don't ask her out all of the time..." I left the statement unfinished.

"Hmm, that may just work! Thanks Layla!" He said excitedly before pulling me into a hug. "Cutting. Of. Air." I chocked out. "Merlin James, you hug tight!" I joke with him.

"Haha you know if your playing matchmaker in my life then I can do the same to you." He said matter-of-factly.

"Oh and who is the great James Potter going to set me up with?"


I chocked at this, "what?"

"I said Sirius, as in Sirius Black, griffendor, seventh year, about this tall" he put his hand about just slightly above his head, showing Blacks height. "Dark hair that comes down to his shoulders, beater on quidditch team. Ring any bells?" He asked.

"Hmm yeah that does sound familiar, but I think you forgot arrogant, womaniser, annoying and a total prick." I said in a huff.

"He's really not like that you know."

"Oh and what is he like?" I said sarcastically.

"He's actually really nice, funny, handsome, he's not a womaniser, he just hasn't found the right girl, he can be a prick but everyone can be a prick can't they? He's just generally a great guy, and a good catch." He explained.

"Why don't you date him then?" I asked.

"Because I like lily, I'm not gay, he's not gay and he likes you." James said.

"He does not like me! I'm his next target and if he gets me then he'll just move on! I'm not like Marlene or any of the other girls he dates James, why can you both understand that? I'm bookish and a teachers pet. I'm not a slut!" I tell him, getting quite annoyed.

"I never said you were a slut, I was just saying that you and Sirius could be a good match." James said sheepishly.

"Well we won't be!! I mean we're the complete opposite!" I say calming down slightly.

"They say opposite attract." James mumbles.

"I'm sorry James, not this time."

"Layla, can we, ummm can we forget this conversation ever happened? I mean we were getting along great, like really good friends. And I'm sorry I brought Sirius up." He said

"Yeah, im sorry I over reacted... I do that sometimes. Friends?" I ask and put out my hand. He shakes it. "Friends." He agrees.

We walk outside and find lily. "Hey guys!" I yell before running over to them and plonking myself down in between lily and Marlene.

"Layla what do you think? Lily won't let me do her hair for the next hogsmede trip!" Marlene grumbled. None of the girls seemed to notice James Potter sit down.

"Well why not lily?" I begin to interrogate my best friend.

"I'm not doing anything special so why does Marlene want to do my hair. I'm suspicious." She explained.

"Like you said your not doing anything special. And if Marlene has something planned she will go ahead with it anyway, do you want to look good or bad for whatever she's doing this time?" I reasoned.

"Fine." She grumbled, earning a delighted yelp from Marlene.

We sat back and basked in the radiation from the sun and only a couple of minuets passed before James said, "what are you girls planning to do next hogsmede trip anyway?"

"Potter. What are you doing here?" Lily almost growled at him.

"Evans. I came out with Layla." He answered simply.

"I don't think we've got anything planned but who knows what Marlene's got planned." Alice joked, earning a playful punch in the arm from said griffendor girl. We all chat slightly but I'm more focused on the heat and the sun. I flick my blonde hair out of my face and sit up.

"We should go get some dinner." I say earning approving nods from everyone. We trek back to the castle and James goes and joins the other marauders, ah well, his loss. I wonder what they are talking about though. They keep looking over here. Ah it's probably just James swooning over lily. Again.

Sirius POV

How can anyone be that perfect? I mean really, it's improbable. You would think that she had at least one visible flaw, but I can't see one. Damn, I'm starting to sound like prongs. Speaking of which I wonder how he was with her today. She didn't come in storming. She hadn't thrown him a death glare yet (at this meal that is). When she sat down I kept stealing glances at her, secretly. But after a little while lily saw me. Shit. Then she told Layla! Layla begins to look over questionably and I still haven't looked away. I should. Ok I'll look away now.

I try not to look at her for the rest of the dinner, but I was unsuccessful. How can I be so attracted to one girl, one girl, who hates me may I add. This is impossible. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts (and staring at Layla) that I didn't notice the others get up and leave until prongs shouted "oi Padfoot! Earth to Padfoot!"

"Oh sorry prongs. Wasn't paying attention." I shouted back before running up to them all.

"So, what was that about pads?" He questioned me.

"Don't know what your taking about." I stated.


Hey guys, so I'm not really happy with Layla's point of view in this chapter... But please comment on anything if you think I should change it or if you like something I do, it will be a big help to me. Like I said, this story isn't really that inspired any more but I'm trying anyway. Some of my other books have a lot more inspiration but of any of you have ideas on what you want to happen then please tell me. Ok thank you for the support, I love you all :)

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