Chapter 2

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"Padfoot, she has been Lily's best friend for 6 years. Are you sure you haven't noticed her?" Prongs asked.

"Nope, never seen her before."

"Maybe that's why she didn't say goodbye to you, because you never payed attention to her." Wormtail piped up.

"Yeah maybe that's it." I replied grudgingly.

"Enough of this topic, lets go prank! You coming Pads, Wormy, Moony?" Prongs said.

"Yeah let's go!" I say enthusiastically and wormtail says "yeah, sure."

"Mooooony? You coming?" Prongs says.

"Nah ill just stay here." How can a marauder just stay there when were pranking? I grab his hand and drag him out of the door, "turns out I'm coming along." He says to Prongs and we all laugh.

~Layla's POV~

I sit down in our compartment as the train starts to pull out, Alice and Marlene are in there already. "Hey guys, has lily come past screaming my name recently?" I ask and they laugh.

"That's specific." Alice laughs.

"No, why would you think tha-" Marlene starts but before she can continue lily runs past the compartment screaming "laaayla!!" We burst out laughing and lily comes into the compartment "Layla!! There you are! Give me it!" I hand her the diary and she collapses into the seat clutching it.

"Haha at least we got our daily workout!" I say and she just glares at me.

"At least your personality hasn't changed." Says Marlene.

"What do you mean marls?" I ask sweetly.

"Haven't you noticed? You look so different!" She exclaims.

"In a good way or a bad way?" I ask nervously tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Oh in a great way!!" Says Alice, "your hairs lighter, your so skinny, you've grown and you've developed too!"

"Really? I don't see it. I just see me the way I was before." I say trying to see what had changed, yes it is true that I have developed a lot and because of that my style has changed. I did go on holiday to Spain and my hair did get lighter and I did grow it out. My height hasn't changed much though. As for my weight, I am not skinny!!

"Your just modest lay." Lily says.

"Any way, what secrets did you want to keep in that diary of yours?" I say changing the subject.

"Oh nothing." She replays blushing.

"Then why did you chase me around the train for it?" I ask.

"Yeah Evans, why did you chase her around the train for it?" Says the familiar voice of Sirius Black.

I huff then say, "Black." Turning my head in the other direction.

"Yes darling?" He asks posing it as a question.

"Why are you here Black, go bother someone else." I say shortly.

"You mean you don't want to talk to me?" He asks pulling out his puppy dog eyes.

"That's exactly what I mean."

"But what if we want to sit here?"

"WE?" Lily shouts. "Is Potter with you? Urgh."

"Yes I am lily flower." Replies James.


All four of the marauders come and sit in the compartment, Sirius and James squeeze in between me and lily, James next to lily and me next to Black. Remus was next to Marlene with Peter on the opposite side of Alice so they were sandwiched in between the two marauders.

I turn my head and look out of the window while lily quickly puts her diary away in her trunk and magically locks it.

"So Layla what did you do over the summer?" Remus asks.

"Oh I went to Spain with my sister, the magical history there is incredible! Not to mention the weather, it was hot and sunny every day of the month we were there!" I said "what about you Remus, what did you do?"

"Oh I stayed at home but we met up a lot and we all stayed at James' a lot." He replied.

"Your house must be huge James!!" I said facing him now, trying to ignore Black constantly staring at me.

"It's a manor." Pipes up Peter.

"Really? That's so cool!"

"Haha thanks. You should come visit over Christmas." He invited me.

"That sounds awesome." I say and Blacks face lights up. "Wait it he going to be there?" I ask staring pointedly at Black.

"Umm yeah." James says.


"You can still come, I won't bother you." Black said.

"I would love too come. To see your manor." I said.

"GREAT! Bring lily too!!" James said and lily groaned.

After 10 minuets of James and Sirius chatting loudly and the rest of us exchanging glances Alice said, "it's a bit squished in here."

Black then put his hands on my waist and lifted me onto his lap while I was screaming for him to let go of me. Then his arms wrapped around my waist, preventing my escape.

"That's not what I meant." She said guiltily.

"Black if you know what's good for you, you will let go of me now!" I warned him.

"What if I don't know what's good for me?" He replied cheekily.

I turned around to face him and slapped him across the face and there was a 'oooo' from everyone in the compartment, except us two. He didn't let me go though.

"Maybe it's time we go." Said Remus trying to diffuse the situation.

"Ok." Said Black, oh thank Merlin he is leaving. Black gets up and walks to the door holding me in a bridal hold. "Black, put me down!!" I scream at him.





"No. No. No."

"Put me down NOW!"

"Sirius, put Layla down." Remus says finally and he drops me onto the seat. I huff and turn to face the window. This is going to be a long year.

(It's me... Do you like the different pov's?
There is a picture of what I think Sirius looks like at the top (Ben Barnes)
Please comment so that I can improve on the story. Thank you :) ~heartquaffle2829)

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