Chapter 25 | Edited

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'Harry starts Hogwarts this year.' Layla thought to herself glumly. She had never met Harry herself. She had been gone by then.

Dumbledore, of course, had kept her informed.

He had told her how her friends had sobbed at her funeral.

Layla thought quickly to Lily, her best friend in the world. Layla had gone to Lily's funeral. There was no one left to recognise her, but she had cast some concealment charms anyway. Layla had sobbed over Lily and James' graves, but she had been the only one that had known them.

It was a big funeral. The whole wizarding community had gone. Their deaths did result in the end of the war, after all.

Remus hadn't gone. Layla didn't know why.

Sirius hadn't gone. Layla did know why.

Everyone was gone now. Everyone. And, everyone thought that she was gone. They thought that she had gone long before they had, but she was still here. And now Layla was left to grieve for all of them.


They were all gone, in different ways, yes. But they were all gone. Layla could never reach any of them again.

She knelt in the snow next to Lily's ten year old grave, and cried.

"I miss you."

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