Chapter 2 | Edited

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"Seriously Pads? You've never once noticed her?" Remus questioned his friend, annoyed (to the further confusion of Sirius).

"No." Sirius quipped impatiently, "I've just said that. Now could someone please tell me who, in the name of Merlin's right eyebrow, she is."

"Lily's best friend." James supplied, saving Sirius from the explosion he felt sure would erupt out of Remus.

However James' response only further confused the already confused Sirius.

But surely I would have noticed her then. How could I not? I know all of Lily's friends because we spend so much time with James, who is obsessed with the girl.

"Alice? Marlene? Unless my eye sight has seriously deteriorated over the summer, she's not either of them." Sirius shot back sarcastically, missing the glint of anger barely suppressed in Remus' eyes. "Lily doesn't have any other close friends."

Although Lily is what you could consider 'popular', being liked by the majority of the Hogwarts population (excluding some of the more radical Slytherins due to her blood status), she only had a few close friends.

And, as far as Sirius was concerned, this girl was not one of them.

"I give up." Huffed the werewolf before walking away to say one last 'goodbye' to his parents before boarding the Hogwarts express.

There were only a few moments of silence before Sirius announced;

"I'm going to go make her acknowledge me. And maybe prank some Slytherins on the way."

"Don't be a dick to her Sirius." James sighed, almost worried about the girl. "I'm coming with you to make sure that you're being civil."

"And to see Lily." Peter cut in, speaking amongst his friends for the first time in the conversation.

While James and Sirius were heading towards the train doors, having already said their goodbyes to Mr and Mrs Potter, Peter shuffled in the other direction mumbling about bidding his parents goodbye. Peter had been absentmindedly scratching his left forearm for the last few minutes, not that any of his close friends noticed.

They find the compartment relatively easily, the screaming Lily sort of gave it away.

Laughter erupted from inside the compartment, still audible to the two marauders due to the open door.

"At least your personality hasn't changed." Marlene could be heard saying.

What's that meant to mean? Sirius thought to himself, finding himself (somehow) even further confused.

"What do you mean Marls?" Layla voiced Sirius' thoughts, surprising him once again.

"Haven't you noticed? You look so different!" Marlene replied enthusiastically.

"In a good way or a bad way?" Layla seemed almost nervous in her reply.

"Oh in a great way!" Alice's voice joined in, "your hair is quite a bit lighter, you're suddenly like an inch or two taller and you've started to uh 'fill out' quite a lot too. You look great."

"Not that you didn't before." Lily piped up earnestly.

"Really? I don't see it." Was the quiet reply from Layla.

"You're just modest Lay." Lily decided.

"Well, modest or not, I'm just going to pop and say goodbye to Remus' parents as there's only eight minutes until the train leaves." And with that Layla left the compartment, seemingly unaware of the curious glances sent her way (after all it wasn't often that people said goodbye to their friend's parents and not their own. Sirius, of course, was an exception but that was due to the nature of his parents and his relationship with them. Layla, however, had lovely parents and a close relationship with them.)

Despite wanting her trip off the train to be a short one, Layla was stopped within seconds of exiting her compartment by the figure of Sirius Black.

She sighed, her plan of not running into, talking to or even being close to Sirius Black this year already interrupted.

"Excuse me."


"What?" Layla asked surprised, after all what kind of an answer is that?

"I said no." He was already annoying her.

"I need to get off the train and say goodbye before it's too late. Please would you move your annoying arse aside." Layla snapped, surprising both Sirius and James (who, having known Layla longer than Sirius had, knew that this was not like her at all. Especially towards Sirius).

But it worked. Sirius moved aside, slightly dazed having never been spoken to in such a way by a member of the opposite sex. Layla took her opportunity and walked quickly to the doors before Sirius could change his mind.

Jumping off the train, and completely unaware of the shocked expressions still worn by the two marauders, Layla quickly spotted the tall, sandy haired figure that was her best friend (besides Lily). She skipped over to him and the two people standing by him, both of whom smiled warmly at her.

"Oh how I will miss you this year Layla, it was so lovely having another girl in the house this summer." Mrs Lupin (neé Howell) sighed wistfully, as if thinking back to the summer.

"Yes and do feel free to come back in the holidays, we would love to see you again." Mr Lupin added.

"Oh and write too!" Mrs Lupin interjected excitedly.

Layla just laughed in reply, "thank you so much for everything this summer. You were all so lovely and amazing, I really appreciate everything."

"It was honestly no worry, Hon." Was Mrs Lupin's reply.

Hugs were exchanged as well as well wishes for the year.

"I'll let you say goodbye, see you on the train Teddy." Layla smiled at Remus before turning and running back to the train, not hearing the rest of the conversation between the Lupin's.

After a while Remus left his parents with a sigh, which was countered with two 'knowing looks' directed at him.

He made his way towards the Hogwarts express, ready to embark on another year at Hogwarts. One very different from the previous six years, not that he yet knew this.

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