Chapter 11

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Sirius' POV

"You guys go down. I'll catch you up. I just forgot something." I say before running back upstairs. I pull out the potion I had taken out of Layla's cauldron when she went to hand Slughorn her potion (I trust her potion making skills more than my own) and dab it onto my skin. Then I make my way down to breakfast.

I was glad to see that Layla slowed down when walking past but snapped out of it when lily pulled her away. Unfortunately I did not think about the other girls who would get attracted to me (more so than usual). Whenever I saw her I noticed how she slowed down without realising, then was told to hurry up by lily. She looked very confused by the end of the day.

I wasn't in astronomy so I couldn't see her then but I tried not to let anyone see me looking at her, but she is just so perfect.

**** the next day ****

When I got to breakfast (unpotioned because prongs found out and took it away from me... Doesn't he trust me?) I waited for Layla to arrive. I always seem to be doing that now, am I becoming obsessed with her?

When she does arrive I can't help but notice how she doesn't walk with her usual skip, she looks tired. Must have been the astronomy. She waved at Remus as she walked past but other than that completely ignored me, smiling at Peter and James. That put me in a bad mood. I looked up when prongs spoke "hey padfoot, the girls are laughing at your sulking."

"I am not sulking." I protested.

"Ok then, they are laughing at you." He teased. I glared at him but laughed anyway.

"Let them look, at least that way Layla acknowledges that I'm alive." I say sulkily.

"I KNEW THAT WAS IT!" Prongs shouted.

"Shut up idiot." I warned but most of the students (and teachers) in the great hall had already heard and turned to see what was going on now.

I decided just to ignore them today, instead of shouting back my usual "hey, shove off, go back to your own boring lives!" the rest of the day was just me staring at my love, my love who doesn't love me. But I am going to make her love me. It has been decided.

I, Sirius Black will woo Layla Reid...


Ok so I really like the ending of this chapter! Are you guys ready for some serious woo-ing? Sayla until the end!! :) thanks for the support

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