Chapter 13

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We arrived back at the common room after a long day of lessons absolutely exhausted, more so than usual. I climbed up the stairs, the others decided to hang out downstairs while I took a nap. When I reached our room I was so tired I almost collapsed on the bed before I noticed the singular rose on my pillow. Almost.

As I picked up the red rose which was laying gently on my pillow I noticed that it had been de-thorned. Who would have taken the time to do that? It is an obscenely romantic and sweet gesture, one that could have come straight out of a movie. Then I noticed the note tied to the rose,

"With Love"

I couldn't stop the flutter of my heart when I read those two words. Does this mean I have a secret admirer? I had never had one of those before. I had never been one of those girls. I wonder who it was from though.

Wait... how did they get into the girls dorm? said that voice in my head. Maybe they got another girl to help and put it on the pillow? Yeah that must be it, boys can't get up here.

I was still admiring the rose when the other girls came upstairs.

"Wow, Layla who got you that?" Mary exclaimed.

"I... I don't know"

"Does that rose have Amortentia on it?" Lily asked, her jaw dropping. Instantly I smelt the rose, the intoxicating smell is defiantly that of Amortentia.

"Mm hmm" I mumbled back.

"This has got to be the sweetest thing I have ever seen, Layla" Alice squealed excitedly.

"I know... But why? Why would someone give me a rose?" I asked, suddenly doubtful over the single greatest romantic gesture that I have ever been given. I mean there has to be a catch... Right?

"We need to find out who it's from!" Marlene announced.

"No. Marlene it's a SECRET admirer." Alice said slightly patronisingly.

"I know that but the curiosity is killing me." She whined.

"I'm just- I'm just going to go to sleep now." I said before collapsing onto my bed, still fully robed and turning over clutching my rose. I heard one of the girls close my curtains as my eyes fluttered closed.


I now have over 400 reads!! :D and I have been getting so much support lately, so this chapter is dedicated to sarcasm1101 and WhereIsOlaf... Please go check out their books as they're both amazing writers :) ok I'm going to stop rambling on now and actually post this chapter. I love you all my amazing readers :)

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