Chapter 28

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Layla's POV

Once we reached the great hall that morning we got the announcement that hogsmede trips had been cancelled, apparently it's now too dangerous for us to venture outside of hogwarts walls. To think that none of us even realised the extent of the danger surrounding us. An army is rising against us all and none of us were even aware of it.

"We need to do something. We need to help." Lily insisted once we reached the common room. "We all need to stop this, or at least try to." She continued, seeming to struggle for the right words, having never faced anything like this before. None of us have.

A prefect approached us then. "Headmaster Dumbledore asked to see you four in his office as soon as possible." He said before walking away.

We all looked at each other confused but made our way quickly to his office. No one keeps Dumbledore waiting on purpose. Once we reached the gargoyle Lily said 'honey bonbons' and we began the rise to his office. Lily knocked on the door swiftly and we all entered after the soft 'Come in' was heard.

Once inside the grand office we were offered seats, which we took gratefully. A few minutes and some tense conversation later and there was another knock at the office door. The marauders entered. More chairs were summoned and they also sat down.

"I have called you right here to discuss an opportunity which you may be interested in. You have no obligation to take part or give me final answers today, I would expect them before the end of the week however." Tension rose among us with every word he spoke. "As we all know the outside world is not quite as safe as the world inside our school. For the last couple of years particularly things have been getting harder. Marlene I know that you in particular are familiar with this, your brother having been taken by the death eaters. However I am offering the eight of you a chance to join in my forces to combat Voldermort and his army."

Dumbledore's speech fell on our ears, all of us unable to process what had just been said. A chance to join Dumbledore against the dark forces threatening the wizarding world. Of course that was an amazing opportunity... But the personal losses which would be experienced were also something to think about.

'I have nothing to lose. My family is already dead for this cause. I should do it.' Layla was thinking when the silence was broken.

"I'll join." It was Sirius' voice that broke the silence. Soon joined by Layla's own.

"So will I."

"Count me in." James added, quickly followed by Remus'; 'of course sir.' And Marlene's 'definitely.'

Peter, Lily and Alice were slower to agree, having more to lose and less of a personal connection to the cause. Their sense of moral did win in the end, meaning that by the end of the hour meeting in which Dumbledore introduced all of the information they would need, everyone had agreed and officially joined the Order of the Phoenix. They had also all been sworn to secrecy, losing their lives if they revealed the secret.

This group of eight gryffindors had joined the fight.
They were determined to win.

Little did they know of the horrors ahead.

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