Chapter 10 | Edited

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As the weeks flew past, the Christmas holiday steadily approaching, there seemed to be a turn in the atmosphere of Hogwarts. The joyful surroundings of Hogwarts was cracked very suddenly one November day.

There had been some confusion at the Hufflepuff table. It seemed like someone wasn't there and their friends couldn't find them. Layla, Alice, Lily and Marlene had assumed that the girl must be in the library or kitchens and just hadn't realised the time... lots of people forget where they're meant to be.

The questions of the Hufflepuffs continued until the morning owls flew in, most of which were carrying 'The Daily Prophet'.

Layla leaned over Alice to read the front cover of her paper when Alice let out a shocked gasp, echoed by the majority of the Hogwarts population.


In hindsight everyone would look back on that day as a turning point. It was the first day that the war truly affected Hogwarts and its inhabitants. Sure there were some students, like Layla, who had already been irreversibly affected. Most had not been.

The girl left Hogwarts to join her Aunt in the muggle world. She was seventeen already and so could legally leave. She wanted nothing to do with magic.

The Hufflepuffs were distraught. Their house had never been in such disrepair. Other houses helped to support them, feeling like it was their duty to help hold all of the other students together. In some ways, Hogwarts became closer because of what had happened.

And the students moved forwards. By the time mid-December had arrived, the majority of the students were so caught up in the hype of Christmas that they had forgotten about the outside world completely. The atmosphere of the castle was once again Hogwartsy.

The seventh year Gryffindors were among those whose excitement for Christmas almost radiated off of them.

"Soooo what did the head girl get the head boy then?" Marlene inquired from Lily one day.

"Why would I get him anything? He's an idiot." Was the, rather hot, reply which Marlene received.

"He's not really an idiot though, is he?" Layla reminded Lily, knowing how James' increasing maturity (sparked by the changing atmosphere of Hogwarts) confused the redhead. He'd almost ridden himself of what Lily considered his 'faults' and increased his 'strengths' tenfold. Even the 'faults' which he still had didn't seem so bad anymore to Lily, not that she'd ever admit that.

"You know..." Layla began, "I think that you ought to say 'yes' next time he asks you out." Lily's face conveyed only shock. She'd never even considered going on a date with the boy! Why would she? He is a pompous toerag. Well, he was.

An idea then struck Lily which would definitely make her friend shut up. "Maybe I will. In fact, if you go with me as a double date, I will." She announced.

Layla's face lit up, along with Alice's and Marlene's. After all, everyone knew that it was about time she said 'yes' to the poor boy.

"Great! Oh maybe I'll ask that cute Ravenclaw.."

"Uh uh uh. If you get to choose my date, James, then I get to choose yours."

Well, it couldn't be that bad.

"I will go on a date with James Potter if you go on a date with Sirius Black." Lily said finally.

"I like that idea." Came a smug voice from behind the girls. Speak of the devil.

"N-" Layla was about to respond when she caught James' eye. He seemed to be pleading with her. Suddenly Layla remembered that this was James' chance to finally go on a date with Lily and, especially while she didn't hate him anymore, this was potentially the best opportunity he had.

She shot her best smile at Black, "where're you taking us, then?"

Lily's face fell, she had been relying on Layla's refusal. She'd only wanted to prove a point.

Now both Layla and Lily were about to go on a date with the people they disliked most: Sirius Black and James Potter.

Merlin help them.

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