Chapter 20

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He doesn't reply, what is he playing at? I hesitantly look at him only to find him already staring intently at me. Quickly my eyes move to the oh-so-interesting floor in front of me. This makes him chuckle again.
"We could go to honeydukes, zonko's, the shrieking shack, Madame Puddifoot's or.. I can't think of anything else actually" he says while still staring at me.
"Umm honeydukes sounds good" I mumble in reply. Apparently he heard it though (how could he not when he's standing that close?) because we set off for honeydukes. After a few minutes of awkward silence, (which wouldn't have been awkward if he wasn't staring at me the whole time) I mumble,
"I still can't believe that you offered to go to Madame Puddifoot's" to which he laughs embarrassedly.
"Most girls want to go there.." He defends.
"Does that mean that you think I'm 'most girls'?" I ask jokingly, but he didn't seem to understand that it was a joke because he hurriedly replies,
"No, no, no, no. Of course not! You're the most special person ever, you could never be like anyone else because you're perfect and they're not. Please don't be offended I just thought that you might like it there, and umm I wanted you to be happy.."
Taken aback I reply shakily "I was joking Sirius.. But umm thank you... That was uh really sweet of you. No one has told me that before so yeah thank you... again." He sighs in relief and I can't help but feel bad for making him panic.. Even though he is an arrogant pr*ck. Urgh why is my mind doing this to me? Stupid brain.
As we enter honeydukes the sweet scent of sugar and chocolate fills my nose and I begin to make my trek around the sugar filled store. My eyes catch on several things that I want to devour there and then but, after all, I am on a date and therefore should not act like a pig. When Sirius and I meet back at the front of the store his hands are filled with goodies, I however only have some berty botts every flavoured beans and a packet of mini chocolate frogs (everything is adorable when it is miniature). He looks down at my measly pile and laughs, a loud booming laugh that files up the whole shop, making several other customers look around in curiosity.
"Is that it?" He asked, still not being able to contain his laughter. "I've seen you eat about a thousand times and you've never held back before!"
"I'm just not that hungry.." I mutter, my cheeks slowly turning bright red.
"Awww you're so adorable when you blush." He taunts.
"Hmmph" I turned and face away from him. He walks away laughing and soon returns with his arms full of my favourite sweets... How does he know what my favourite sweets are?
"Here we go" he jollily told the man behind the counter, "that's all thanks."
"Hahaha are you sure Sirius?" The man replies just as jollily.
After we leave the sweet heaven I ask, "how did you know the shopkeeper Sirius?"
"Ah we go in there often so he just learned our names." The hyper boy explains.
"Ah right." I trail off awkwardly.
We remain in comforting silence as we walk in a random direction. When we reach the shrieking shack we stop walking. I slowly close my eyes and listen to the silence surrounding us.
"Open your eyes"
I do as he said and open my eyes, only to be submerged in his swirling grey eyes.
"Wha-" he cuts me off by coming even closer. Slowly he closes his eyes and begins to move in again.
Suddenly I realise what is happening. Sirius Black is going to kiss me.
So I do the only thing I can do in this situation. I run.

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