Chapter 3

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Thank merlin they left!! I thought I was never going to get away from Black.

After 10 minuets of chatting about anything and everything a hufflepuff sixth year came into the carriage, but he just stood there staring at me. "Umm hi, can we help you?" Said lily awkwardly.

"No, i mean yeah, I mean" he looked away from me finally and looked at lily, "your wanted in the heads compartment, to have a meeting with mcgonagall." His eyes then snapped back to me and he stood there staring at me.

"LILY!! I forgot! Your head girl! Oh this year is going to be so fun!" I shout.

"Bye Layla, Alice, marls, see you once we get of the train.. I'll come and get my trunk though." She said. "Excuse me." The boy was still standing there goggling at me.

"Uh, yeah, ok." He said moving out of the way, and into our compartment more. "So what's your name?" He said to me.

"Layla, and this is Alice" I motioned my hands towards her, he only spared her a glance "and this is Marlene." I motioned towards her but he barley even noticed, "and you are?"

"I am Tyler, Tyler McMillan. Nice to meet you Layla, Alice, Marlene." He said.

"Ok see ya at school." Marlene said clearly annoyed that the boy was still here.

"Yeah bye." Alice said in an irritated voice, catching on to Marlene's act.

"Bye." I said shortly. He took one last glance at me and left pulling the door closed with him. "What was all that about?" I ask them curiously.

"Really, you didn't get the hints he was throwing out?" Alice says.


"Pffft they weren't hints that was plain obvious!!" Exclaims marls.

"What are you guys on about? Why would he give me hints? No one has ever before." I question them.

"People have flirted with you before, but just quite subtly." Marls explained.

"But over the summer you look so great that I suspect loooads of guys will ask you out this year, I mean Sirius was flirting with you." Alice added.

"But Black is just a womaniser!! To him I'm just the next target, but trust me I will not fall for that moron." I assure them.

"You say that now." Marlene grumbled.

"Just because he charmed you marls, Layla has hated him forever... You didn't hate him." Alice points out.

"Guys lets stop talking about this, I can't wait for the feast!! I'm starving!" I say cheerily.

"Haha yeah, too bad we have to wait for the first years to be sorted first." Alice laughs.

"Can't we eat then have them sorted, who says that they need food?" Marlene jokes.

"Yeah we should complain to lily, she's head girl, she'll do something about it!" I say still laughing.

"Lily won't do that, we have more chance going to James... Did you guys know that he's head boy!" Alice says.

"HE'S HEAD BOY!?!?" Marlene and I both shout.

"Yeah my mum told me, you know her and Mrs Potter are really good friends well Mrs Potter is really proud of James and she told my mum." Alice explains.

"This is definitely going to be a fun year." I say

(It's me again... what do you guys think!! And I actually got a comment and a couple of stars!! Oh and a shout out to lucy_lane73 who was my first comment! I'm really happy now, thank you guys :D
Also there is a picture of Demi Lovato at the top as I think that she would make the perfect Marlene)

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