Chapter 7

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Finally the first week has passed! I have to go to the library though, so much homework!!! I take my bag and sit at a vacant table and get stuck into my potions essay, vertasium and it's uses.

2 long scrolls of parchment later and I put away my potions book and get out my charms book. Read the first 5 chapters of charms book. Ok this should be easy.

I read the five chapters and make notes, to prove I have read it and pull out my astronomy chart. Just then the library door bursts open and I hear loud voices.

"That prick won't be saying that again soon!" Black!! Why is it always Black?

"But padfoot, you shouldn't have jinxed him like that." Remus sounded like he had had this conversation many times.

"But it was awesome!!" James shouted, I'm surprised they haven't been kicked out of the library yet, that new library assistant is strict. What's her name? Ummm Madam Pince, that's it!

"Well it's his fault! If he didn't talk about her like that then I wouldn't have to jinx him, would I?" Black said cockily.

"Why are we here moony?" Peter is with them too.

"Umm I don't know why YOU guys are here, I'm here to do homework." Remus said sounding irritated.

Their footsteps came closer and I buried myself in my star chart. When they rounded the corner they all stopped until Remus said "oh, hey Layla."

"Hey Remus." I said looking up. "Wait I didn't know you three knew where the library was!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh haha, so funny Reid." James said before taking the seat next to me.

"Thank you James, glad you thought so." I say giving him a mocking glance before turning back to my star chart.

"God I hate astronomy!" I moaned.

"Then why did you take it?" Black asked. Luckily Remus sat down next to me on the other side before Black could make his way over.

"Because I need either astronomy or care of magical creatures to be a healer, I really hate care of magical creatures. The teacher makes no sense."

"I could have tutored you." Black says in a flirtatious manor.

I ignored this and tried to plot the stars... Luckily Remus was sitting next to me.

"Umm Layla, that star is over here." He said.

I plotted it where he said, "now do you happen to know where this one is?" I asked.

"Umm no, sorry."

"How about Sirius?" I ask.

"Sirius might know where it is but I doubt it."

"No I meant do you know where the star Sirius is?" I correct him.

"Oh yeah, it's over here." He said before helping me plot it.

Once I was finished with the star chart I was finally finished all my homework. "Are you guys going to do any homework? You did come in here to do homework right?" I ask them.

"Oh yeah, homework." Remus said slightly blushing. Why is he blushing? Maybe because he doesn't forget to do homework usually.

"I'm going to go find lily, Alice and Marlene." I say before leaving quickly.

~Sirius' POV~

"I'm going to find lily, Alice and Marlene." She says and then quickly leaves the room.

"That was awkward, she completely ignored me. Again." Was all I could say.

"Prongs you could go find lily with her, then you could work on chatting padfoot up to her. Maybe then she wouldn't hate him." Wormtail said.

"WORMTAIL!! That's an amazing idea!! Go Prongs, goooooooo!" Wormtail blushed from the praise and prongs quickly got to his feet and fled the room. Moony said something about his own astronomy chart.

I wonder how prongs is going to chat me up to Layla. Why does Layla even hate me? I mean so I didn't notice her, I notice her now. She can't hate me for not paying much attention. Women!


Wow the view on this book have skyrocketed!! Thank you guys so much. I'm kind of suffering from writers block with this story but please check out my other stories and I'm going to try and update this one more but a lot has been happening lately. Thank you so much for your support guys :)

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