Chapter 5 | Edited

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Layla found herself still staring at the ceiling of her dormitory at 2am. She couldn't sleep. She was missing something. Someone.

'Well,' she reasoned with herself, 'perhaps I should just go downstairs if I can't sleep. I'll watch the fire.'

With that reasoning Layla pushed herself to her feet and tiptoed her way towards the door, careful not to wake her roommates. She pushed the door open slowly and made her way quietly down to the common room. It was only when she was on the bottom step that her footsteps stopped and she came to a halt, surprised.

"I was wondering when you were going to come down." He whispered quietly, not even turning around yet knowing who it was on the girls staircase.

"Why are you down here?" Layla whispered back, moving towards the figure sitting on the settee.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to sleep."

"What have I done to deserve you as a friend Remus?" Layla asked with a smile, sitting next to her best friend. "You didn't have to lose sleep over me."

"Don't be silly, I would lose more than sleep for you." Remus replied with a smile.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a few more minutes before Layla interrupted it, seemingly unable to hold back her question.

"How did you know?"

"Night. It always when it hits you hardest at night. It was like this when you came to mine. I think it's because you haven't slept in the beds here in a while therefore you're not used to them. It'll be fine in time, I'm sure." He reassured his friend.

She only smiled in response.

The silence continued for a while longer before Layla rested her head on Remus' shoulder and began to fall asleep. He smiled. Grabbing a pillow he placed it on his lap, put her head on the pillow so that she could lay more comfortably and summoned a blanket to cover her.

"Thank you Teddy." Layla whispered through a yawn, falling asleep.

"It's okay Cookie." Was the whispered reply, not that Layla was awake to hear it.

Remus' head soon fell to the side as he too fell asleep. And that's how they were found in the morning.


"GOOD MORNING MOONY!" Sirius shouted next to Remus' ear the next morning, waking him up rather unceremoniously. Remus was so shocked that he nearly tipped (a very surprised) Layla off his lap.

Sirius didn't offer an apology, actually he was laughing his head off. 

"Wanker." Remus whispered under his breath, regardless of Sirius' somewhat altered hearing (thanks to Padfoot).

Layla, once she had woken up enough to understand what was going on, sat up quickly and ran upstairs with the blanket wrapped around herself for warmth.

"Morning Teddy, see ya at breakfast." She shouted down the stairs as she ran to try and claim first shower before her dorm mates awoke.


"Mmmm pancakes!" Marlene squealed when they'd finally arrived (after a fiasco of a morning routine).

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