Chapter 7 | Edited

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Potions really was Layla's worst subject.

"Maybe it's best to rearrange the pairings a little bit." Slughorn suggested, shooting a look at at Layla and Peter, who were paired together at the start of the year. Really Sluggy, what did you think would happen? Layla thought with annoyance. Any normal teacher would realise that pairing two of the worst students at a particular subject together isn't going to help either of them, and would pair the worse students with better students who could potentially teach them something. But no, old Sluggy has to keep his favourites paired together (much to Lily's annoyance, as she's paired with Severus).

And all it took was them nearly blowing up the potions lab with a drought of living death gone wrong for him to figure it out.

"Hmmmmm Pettigrew you can go with Lupin." Slughorn shot Remus a pointed look at this, as if warning him to not let Peter do anything.

"Reid you can go with Potter-" As Slughorn was saying this, James looked up and accidentally dropped one too many chopped roots into his potion, causing it to bubble violently. "Okay no. Fix that Potter. Your partner will be Lily, please help him put his potion right." Lily acted disappointed, but it was obvious to Layla that she was ecstatic to get away from Snape and James wasn't too bad a price to pay. "Black, you partner Reid."

Layla's sigh could be heard throughout the room. Sirius sauntered over quickly, as if in a rush to be Layla's partner.

"Bye Peter." Layla mumbled, not wanting Black of all people to be her new partner.

"'Ey there Reid." He smirked.

"Black." Was the less than enthusiastic reply.


"Morning class" Slughorn announced. "Today we are going to be brewing Amortentia, which is a- yes miss Evans"

"Amortentia is a powerful love potions, but it doesn't create real love. No potion has been found that can create real love but Amortentia creates a powerful obsession. It smells differently to each person according to what smells attract them. It contains ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint and powdered moonstone." Lily said in a rush, Layla just about heard her, but apparently professor Slughorn heard perfectly as he beamed brightly.

"It's very complicated to brew so pay close attention to your instructions, page 287, and communicate with your partner." A sigh left Layla's lips.

"Guess you need me." A side glance at Black let Layla know that he was smirking, once again.

"Just because I cannot brew a potion to save my life does not mean that I need you in any way." She huffed, not noticing the slight drop in his facial expression.

"Would you like me to grab the ingredients while you set the fire?" He asked.

"Sounds good." Layla replied, beginning to set the fire beneath the cauldron. Sirius began to gather the ingredients.


"Acceptable." Slughorn announced, peering into the potion of two Slytherins.

Remus and Peter's was "well made."

Lily and James' was "excellent! Just brilliant."

When Slughorn reached Layla and Sirius' cauldron he took a deep breath, prepared to be shocked and appalled at the result (as he so often was with Layla's potions). "Nicely made... You're a good pair, I'll keep you two together."

Shock was clear on Layla's face, having never made an acceptable potion, except when paired with Lily, who didn't let her touch the potion at all.

"Thank you Sirius." She mumbled while Slughorn was looking over other potions.

"You're more than welcome." He replied with a smile. "So what do you smell, Reid?" Smirked Sirius.

"Uh it's almost like borbon and a flower... Cherry blossom. I think that's chocolate too... I don't know. How about you?" She replied slowly, as she gradually drew closer to the potion.

"Oh hey now, that stuff's intoxicating." Sirius chuckled, bringing Layla back from the potion slightly. She relaxed in his arms unconsciously.

"So what do you smell?" Layla asked, looking up at the marauder.

"I uh..." His rather dazed facial expression suddenly turned into an arrogant one, "wouldn't you like to know."

It was as if his words snapped Layla out of a trance. She moved away from him quickly, the 'moment' they had shared gone.

"I don't particularly care, you arrogant buffoon." She huffed indignantly.

"Then why'd you ask?"

"To be polite."

"Class dismissed." That's all it took for Layla to wiz away from the marauder and out of the classroom. Her cheeks warmed as she recalled the conversation, she had given away what she smelled so easily and without thinking. And yet still she hadn't told him of the last smell, the one she couldn't quite place her finger on.

"Hey Layla, are you alright?" Remus asked, appearing besides his friend.

"Yes, of course." She replied, walking in pace with her friend. "What do we have now?"

"I have a free period, I think you have one too." Was the reply, Remus' voice seeming to have a calming affect on Layla, as if his mere presence was a comfort to her.

Without warning Layla engulfed Remus into a hug, feeling sad all of a sudden and needing his comfort. Instead of asking questions, Remus rubbed circles on her back and held her, knowing that it was what she needed.

"I miss them." She muttered quietly.

"I know you do." Was the whispered reply.

They stood there for a few more moments before Layla pulled away, mumbling, "you smell nice."

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