Chapter 12

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Layla POV

I woke up feeling unusually grumpy. That's what happens when you have astronomy which ends at 1 in the morning and then when you get back to the dorm lily rants about a certain raven haired, hazel eyed James Potter. I swear she is in love with him, she's just too stubborn to notice it.

"Hey Layla" lily says with a smile, "good sleep?" Why is she cheerful? Annoyingly cheerful best friend that keeps me up until the early hours of the morning with stupid rants about the boy who she is hopelessly in love with.

"No lily, I did not get a good nights sleep. Because I went to sleep in the morning." I said with a little glare. I wasn't worried about upsetting her, she knew I was just grumpy because of lack of sleep. She is one of those people who can survive on practically 2 hours of sleep (ok... Slight exaggeration. But I'm aloud to exaggerate, I'm tired.) whereas I have to have at least 8 hours.

"Cheer up and get ready otherwise we'll miss breakfast." She said and I only just noticed that she was fully dressed.

Quickly I ran to the bathroom, grabbed my clothes and threw everything on in record time. Whilst I was brushing my teeth I slipped on my shoes, then grabbed my bag and met lily in the common room.

"Ready?" I asked. We both walked to the great hall just talking about lessons. When we entered the great hall I walked tiredly to our spot, waving and smiling at James, Peter and Remus as we passed. When we sat down Alice burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Marlene asked.

"Black, he looks like you just smacked him." She said before bursting out laughing.

"He hasn't stopped staring at you since you walked in." Mary added quietly looking at me.

"Me? Why would he care if I don't notice him? He never did before." I said casually, whereas inside I was burning with curiosity.

"Umm because you are hot." Marlene said before taking another mouth full of waffle (to which Alice looked at with distaste, this is the longest she has ever lasted with her 'healthy eating' routine).

"Layla just look at him though, he is such an idiot" lily said. I turned and sure enough Sirius Black was staring at me, completely oblivious to what the other marauders where saying. He looked disappointed and determined beyond belief and I couldn't help but laugh. James suddenly snapped Black out of his trance and the other marauders were laughing at what seemed to be at Black's expense. Black turned back to face us and after a moment of concentration he was grinning like a (slightly deranged) Cheshire Cat. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?


Ok I know it's short but next chapter is going to be a good one (hopefully). Expect full on ladies man Black...

Please comment telling me what you think, I know you probably think that this is pointless but it does actually help me know what you guys think and therefore what form of writing I should do. It also helps to keep up inspiration :)

Thanks for the support guys :)

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