Chapter 16

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"And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
Tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?"
I finished the song slowly then let out a heavy breath, as if letting all of my feelings drop to the floor with my dense breath. How dare he? How dare he enter my head again? I was over him and I was so strong on my own. I still am.
It was just a lapse of judgement for a few moments, and I've been dwelling on it because i had never thought that he would ever pay attention to me. But he is not worth my attention.
Slowly I rise to my feet and pick up my guitar, my head is more cleared than it was.. My thoughts finally in order. I make my way back up to the castle and gryffindor common room. It's around midnight now so no one will be awake, the girls are used to me disappearing once in a while to clear my head. They are amazing friends.
I quickly walk to the common room, careful not to get caught by filch or that demon cat mrs Norris. When I get to the common room the fat lady looks at me reproachfully. "And where were you at this hour?" She asks.
"I'm sorry, I was outside. I had to clear my head," I say indicating to the guitar, "it won't happen again"
"That's all right dear, password." She replies with a fond smile.
"Fortis" I reply, she swings forwards allowing me entrance.
I drag my feet across the carpeted floor and up the stairs to the girls dormitory.
I pull out my pjs and begin to get changed when a note slips out of them, in the same beautiful writing.
My heart seems to sing with joy. I slowly open up the note, revealing in the lighthearted feeling i was given.
'I wish I were the dew
when you pick the rose
and smell its scent
I would silently wish you morning
and kiss you on your nose '
Oh wow. I was rendered speechless, even though I wouldn't have had anyone to speak to in that moment anyway. I couldn't help thinking of the identity of my admirer.
Maybe we could end up dating, and who knows where that may lead. 'Always the romantic, eh Layla' she thought to herself, reminding her that before any of that she would need to know who it was. And then she may not like him, or it may have been a joke. Several of these types of thoughts were running through her head, her eyes still fixated on the note.
"Wow" she sighed to herself before fully changing and sliding into bed.
DISCLAIMER: the song belongs to Christina perri, not me and it's called jar of hearts. It's an amazing song so please check it out :)
I'm sorry for not updating as often, stuff has been happening outside of this (wait what... She actually has a life? 'I know right!!').
But the support I have been getting lately is actually unreal!!!! I have been getting so many votes and spelling corrections... You guys have to know that I write most of these at around midnight when I am very tired and I don't go over them, I just update straight away... So yeah sorry about that. But ahhhhhh I love you all so much!! And if any of you want me to return the favour and read your books then just comment or private message me and I will be happy to read them and tell you my honest opinion of them (just please don't be annoyed if I don't do it straight away as, like I said earlier, I have had a lot going on)... As always thank you so much and I absolutely love you all and I appreciate you all so much. Thank you!! :)

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