Chapter 14

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Oh I feel like I got the best nights sleep in the world, I slowly rise up and stretch my arms up above me. I hear a little crack from my arm. Mustn't have slept on that a bit weird. I draw the red curtain back and place my feet on the carpeted floor. I quickly tiptoe to the bathroom (careful not to wake anyone else up... I don't want to be yelled at this early in the morning). After I have showered and got dressed all of the other girls are waking up. I walk back to my bed, ignoring their usual grumpy morning whines. When I reach my bed I notice a rose sitting on the bedside table. All of the memories of last night come flooding back as does the warm and tingly feeling in my heart. I gasp quietly.

As I gently pick the rose up I hold it to my chest, as if I were hugging it, or whoever sent it. Perhaps I could identify the writing? I look at the elegant style, this does not match any boy I have ever met. It is romantic and caring. How can I even read that much into handwriting? Wow I must be going insane. Oh god! What if they send me to St Mungo's?

I mentally slap myself around the face (I would look rather strange if I physically slapped my face, for no apparent reason). Snap out of it I chastised myself.

I never act this way, girly. I used to act this way when I daydreamed about si- NO. He shall not be named. I will not give him the pleasure of uttering his name, wether mentally or physically.

Ok Layla you really need to give this a rest. It's too early in the morning to be talking to yourself in your mind.

Right. I'm just going to focus on getting my bag ready. What subjects do I have today? All school related topics. No him related topics. Only school. I think I have transfigurations.... Is he in that class with me. DAMN IT LAYLA.


I sit down at my usual spot at the house table and grab a plate. As I'm about to place it in front of me I notice something, a note. I pick it up with one hand (placing the plate down with the other) and slowly open it up.

'I wish I were a bird,

every morning I would fly to your place

and sit at the window

to be the first one everyday

to see your lovely face.'

Was written on the parchment in the same elegant writing. I can physically feel my heart melting, these loving words leaving me shocked. Lily read the note over my shoulder and gasped quietly.

"Oh my god." She muttered slowly.

Alice and Marlene then took the paper and began to read. Both of them gasped as they came to the end.

"Who do you think it is?" Marlene asked quietly.

"I- I don't know." I stuttered in reply, only just finding my voice. "My heart feels- I- I don't know how it feels. It's strange but not.... Unpleasant. Lily what is going on?" I asked, ending my question by looking up at my best friend with pleading eyes, hoping that she could explain why my heart was acting so strangely.

She shrugged shaking her head, then she opened her mouth to talk but seemed to lose the words and closed it again.

"Shall we go to class?" I asked quietly taking back the note. They nodded so we slowly made out way to potions, the other three talking and chatting while I stared at the note lost in my own thoughts.

It was a while later when we arrived outside the dungeons. I didn't even realise we were there until "hey, what you got there Reid?"

Urg... Sirius Black. I so do not want to deal with him right now. He made to grab at my note but I hastily shoved it into my bag.

"None of your business Black." I replied icily before turning back to the girls. Then I tried to make conversation as if that was what I had been doing beforehand.

While I seemed to be joining in with our pointless conversation wholeheartedly I was really thinking about the note. The words that were used were so beautifully phrased. They made my heart swoon.

I was snapped out of my revive when Slughorn opened the door and ushered us in, telling us what page to turn to and to begin. I sat in my seat, Black next to me.

"I'm just going to get the ingredients, can you get the cauldron going?" I said briefly before turning and collecting the ingredients. When I got back he had the cauldron set up and we chopped the ingredients in silence.

I turned my head slightly to the right and my eyes automatically focused on a pair of deep grey eyes. The grey iris' seemed to swim before my eyes, unknown emotions flashing in them. What beautiful eyes I thought, before being enveloped into them again, seeming to lose myself and all rational thoughts. The eyes seemed to start sparkling, amusement clear in them.

"Thanks love" came a voice I was too familiar with.


Ahhhhhh so what did you guys think? Was it ok? Right so I really enjoyed writing this chapter!! I started dating the perfect guy about a month ago and this chapter reminds me of him so I really like it. Ok please comment your thoughts. OH AND DISCLAIMER: the poem that is going to be used and was partially used in this chapter does not belong to me!! I found it online and I am going to link it in the chapter which the poem ends (otherwise you guys might read the poem before I put it into the book). It's a really sweet poem and I really like it. Ok thanks for the support guys and please keep reading, commenting and voting!!

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