Chapter 26

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Remus' POV

I walk calmly down the corridor although all I want to do is storm around and punch something.. Must be getting close to that time of the month. I don't really know what has me so annoyed, I accepted long ago that Sirius would be good for her if he set his mind to it.. And that I would not be good for her ever... Even if she were to feel that way. Which she doesn't.

"Class is this way Remus." A squeaky voice says from behind me. In my anger I hadn't noticed Peter trailing after me.

"I just need time to myself.. I'll see you after class, okay?" I still try to be nice to my friend, even if I can't be asked to care about his feelings. I manage a small smile which he returns happily.

"Okay, see ya later Remus!" He runs off, as to not be late to class.

I walk in the opposite direction, not really caring where I end up.

*1st Year*

"Excuse me.. Do you know where the Gryffindor common room is?" A small voice belonging to a small girl said behind a very awkward Remus Lupin.

"Uh yeah.. I-it's this way" he replied, beginning to walk slowly towards a grand staircase.

"Thank you" came the small voice of the blushing girl.

Remus giggled slightly and replied "I'm Remus.. Maybe we should be friends to make sure that you never get lost again."

Her heart swelled as she experienced friendship for the first time, having previously been homeschooled. A smile brightened her features. "Thank you so much! I'm Layla by the way." Her face dropped slightly as she thought. "But what if I'm lost and don't know where you are?"

"I'll always find you." Remus' heart swelled for this small, shy girl and he didn't quite know what he was feeling. Layla wrapped him in a tight hug before they again began their trek to the common room.

*2nd year*

"Reeeeeemus!" He barely had time to turn around before he was engulfed in a hug from his best friend (along with the marauders of course). "I missed you so much!" She exclaimed excitedly.

Remus laughed at her antics and pointed out "you just saw me last lesson."

"But then you went to lunch and I couldn't talk to you and then you went to the library and they followed you and I missed my remmy!" She rambled before thinking slightly. "We need a better nickname. Anyone can call you 'remmy' I need a more original one." She decided.

Remus laughed at her friends antics and replied "then I shall create an original nickname for you too! And my friends aren't that bad.. You can sit with us."

Layla looked down and replied "Sirius laughed at me when I tried to before.. I don't want him to think of me as annoying!" Layla looked up and returned the sad look that adorned Remus' face.

He quickly covered it with a smile and said, "well we'll just have to make more time for us then."

*3rd year*

"I just don't want to tell you Teddy." Remus looked sympathetically at his friend.

"Do you remember when I told you my secret?" He asked, wiping away the tears staining her cheeks. She nodded slowly. "I didn't want to tell you either.. I was sure you would run away.. But you didn't. And I'm not going to run away or think it's stupid, I promise." He raised his pinky, "just please tell me what's wrong so I can fix it."

Layla slowly raised her pinky and interlocked it with his.

"I-it's not as important as your secret was though." She locked eyes with her best friend before looking down again. "I just saw him with someone and he was kissing her. Then James saw me see them and he laughed at me. And I'm so stupid. He'll never like me and I know that and still I let it all effect me." She rambled quietly, as if afraid to let the words escape her mouth.

Remus looked at her understandingly. "You're not stupid." She looked up at him questioningly, as if asking him 'really?' "It's okay to be hurt when the one you like kisses or has a crush on someone else. That's normal." He smiled gently then added, "I'll talk to James though.. Ask him how he would feel if he saw Lily kissing someone else." Layla smiled at her best friend, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you Remus."

*4th Year*

"Again thank you so much for letting me stay over Mr and Mrs Lupin." Layla says to the older couple.

"It was our pleasure dear!" Mrs Lupin replied at the same time Mr Lupin said "come again anytime!" They looked at each other and giggled, being the cutest couple Layla had ever come across. She grinned and said another thank you before hugging her friend tight and saying 'I'll let you say goodbye to your parents privately.. See you on the train', although that was more for his parents benefit as they both knew that they would only be seeing one another on the train if James dragged him along to pester Lily.

"Bye" he whispered before watching his friend get onto the train.

"When are you going to tell her?" His father asked when Remus turned around.

He sighed "I don't know. She likes Sirius."

His mother replied "that doesn't mean he's the one. Now hug me goodbye and we'll owl later... I love you Remmy."

"Love you too mum" he said before his mind once again clouded with thoughts of his best friend.


Oooo so I was planning to do all of Remus' flashback on this chapter but it got too long and I thought that you guys would rather have this sooner sooo his flashback will continue next chapter!
Thank you so much for the continuous support!

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