Chapter 17

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"Hey Layla, are you ok?" Lily asked genuinely in the morning.

"Yeah I'm fine, I got out all of the stress" I replied with a smile. Lily and I continue to go about our daily morning routine, brushing our hair and teeth lazily. As I opened the drawer containing my shirts I saw a note in the familiar cursive writing, it read:

'I wish I were the mirror

the mirror on your wall

when you would ask me

I would tell you my love

you are the fairest of them all'

I felt my heart beat so hard it nearly flew out of my chest, someone felt this way about me? How is it even possible? I need to know who it is that is sending me these letters... If I ever meet them I may just kiss them on the spot. No. I'm taking this a bit far. I do want to meet them though. Badly. I mean how do I even know that this isn't a joke?

I must have faith. But then again... I must be wary. Oh I'm so conflicted.

Slowly I make my way downstairs with lily, talking about random things, such as James potter and his most recent attempt at asking her on a date, and our upcoming newts (I really mutt study my potions harder... I'm not very good).

"so then the arrogant prat said 'cummon Evans, you know you want to!!' Urgh. What an idiot." She continued to rant.

"Lily please! Give the boy a chance! He means well, honestly he loveeeees you... Please lily!!" I moan at the girl. It really is getting tiring listening to her complain about the boy whom she 'hates' all the time. It's obvious that they are going to fall in love and then get married!! Ok slow down brain.

A smirk makes it's way onto Lily's face. "You want me to go on a date with potter?" At this I gave lily a 'no-sh*t-I've-only-been-saying-so-for-the-last-7-years' look. "Well then, for me to go on a date with potter, you will have to make it a double date"

Is that all? I can do that.

"Yeah, sure that will be fine. I'll ask out that cute ravenclaw!" I squeal suddenly getting excited for this.

She laughs. I don't like where this is going. I give lily a wary look.

"Hahaha no. You must go on a double date with none other than....." Lily then proceeds to make a drum roll... On my head. "Sirius Black!!"

"No. Nope. Not happening."

"Awww why not? I like the idea." I hear a cocky voice say in the background. Black.

"Because Black, I don't want to go on a date with you." I say glaring at him. But just then I catch the eyes of James. He seems to be pleading with me and I realise that this is his chance. I can set him up with lily and all I have to do is go on one date with his best friend. I feel myself give in... But I won't let him know that. I'm going to make him suffer first.

"Urgh. Where would the infamous Sirius Black be taking us?" I ask my eyes challenging, just so that he knows that I haven't accepted yet.

"Ummmm Madame Puddifoot's?" Came the nervous reply.

"No I will never set foot in there!! That place is evil!!" Lily squeals.

"How about we go to the three broomsticks, then a walk around hogsmede... We will even buy you some honeydukes products..." James tempted us.

"Well if there is free honeydukes stuff then I guess I'll have to come... Lily?" I ask the girl who seemed to be relying on me saying no.

She have me a glare before slowly saying "fine. See you next weekend." After that she promptly grabbed my hand and stomped away with me. Proceeding to rant at me.

"Hey... It was your idea...."


So this was a long time coming and I'm sorry. I'm completely uninspired (writers block) and I am trying my hardest. Thank you for the continual support and OH MY MERLIN 3K reads!! I don't believe it. This is amazing and thank you so much for the support and love and ahhhh I love you all so much and I am Sirius-ly (sorry couldn't resist) trying and I will continue to try and hopefully update more. Again thank you all, you are all amazing!!!

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