Chapter 10

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That night all I could think about was the smell of the Amortentia. What was that mystery scent? Where have I smelt it before? Why does it smell so good? Damn.

I wonder what the other girls smelt. I should ask them.

"Maaaaarlene, Aaaaaaalice, liiiiiiiily!!" I called.

"Yes Layla." Came there simultaneous reply.

"What did you guys smell in potions? What did the Amortentia smell like to you?" I asked curiously.

"Lily flowers, old books, treacle tart and I don't know what the last one was, but I recognise it." Lily explained.

"Umm I smelled tropical fruits, chocolate truffles, butterbeer and" Alice blushed bright red before finishing, "Frank Longbottom's cologne."

"Awww that's adorable!!" We all squealed.

"I smelt my favourite shampoo, honeydukes sweet shop, firewiskey and leather. What about you lay?" Marlene replied.

"my guitars, cherry blossom, chocolate and something I can't quite put my finger on." I replied.

That night I went to sleep with the strange smell of the Amortentia on my mind. What could it mean?


We make our way towards the great hall for our much needed breakfast. When we open the doors I see lots of girls surrounding Black. Typical. When I walk past him I catch a very intoxicating smell and unknowingly slow down my pace, breathing it in. I focus on the smell, recognising it from somewhere (but I can't remember where). I unknowingly stopped walking and slowly started edging towards the smell and, consequently, Black. Before I could get to close Lily grabbed my hand and pulled me away, snapping me out of my revive.

"What happened there?" She asked curiously.

"I'm not really sure, I just remember a smell and wanting to be closer to it. To define it, i think." I explain.

"That's really weird Layla." Alice put in before Marlene almost screamed, "BREAKFAST PEOPLE!! Hungry girl here!!"

We laughed and settled down for breakfast, but I couldn't quite get the smell out of my mind.


"I hate astronomy." I told lily at exactly 11.55 that night.

"I know you do, but you want to be a healer right?" She replied seemingly not caring the time.. I'm so tired though. I walk slowly towards the classroom.

Professor sinstra enters and announces "you're going to be working in partners. That I pick. Hmm now miss Evans and miss McKinnon. Miss Reid and mr Lupin. Mr Snape and miss Parkinson. Mr longbottom and miss Prewet."

I move towards Remus smiling, "hey partner." I greet him merrily.

"Hey Layla." He replied looking amused.

"What's so funny Lupin?" I question him jokingly.

"Oh nothing miss Reid." He replies.

"Are you mocking me?" I put on my best fake offended voice but burst out laughing. Remus joins me in laughter but we both quieten down before we get told off.

Overall it was a fun lesson.


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