Chapter 25

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Layla's POV

The trip to the great hall the next morning was filled with discussion of how exactly I was going to act 'normal'... The girls didn't seem to realise that planning how to act normal isn't acting normal.

"Don't look at him too much or for too long," Lily starts.

"But if you do make eye contact then smile nicely and look away." Marlene finished.

"Oh and don't daydream too much.. It'll make him think that you're thinking about him." Alice mentions.

"Hmm and uh don't think about what you look like while eating, just eat normally." Lily pipes up.

"That's stupid Lily." Marlene teases.

"No it's not. We've seen him looking at her at meals so he'll know if you're being 'polite' when eating."

"It's a good point." Alice backs Lily up, effectively shutting down Marlene's complaints.

"Guys. I know how to act normal." I laugh.

"We're just making sure!" They state together.

When we reach the great hall we sit in our usual seats.. Then the marauders join us a couple of minutes after. James sits across from Lily and smiles, making her cheeks go slightly red. She looks down and let's her hair fall over her face to conceal the blush.

"They're so cute together." I whisper to Remus, who had taken the seat next to me.

"They're finally falling in love." He whispered back.

"We called it from the beginning eh" I laugh/whisper.

We hear a loud cough from Sirius suddenly, breaking Lily and James out of their trance like state.

"Are you ok?" I ask worriedly, while Remus glares at him slightly for interrupting the moment happening between James and Lily.

"Yes. I'm fine thank you." Sirius replies, his gaze just as hard as Remus'. Weird.

"Well we've got to head to class soon." Lily states, getting up from her seat and glaring at the rest of us.

"Okay okay" Marlene mumbles as she, Alice and I join Lily.

"See you guys in class." Alice says before we all leave.

Sirius' POV

"See you guys in class." I wait until they have all left before glaring at Remus again.

"Why would you flirt with her? You know that I like her."

"I wasn't flirting with her. We were talking about James and Lily. Unlike you, I actually paid attention to her before this year and we have had discussions since 1st year. We were happy that they were finally getting closer " Moony almost growled before stomping out of the great hall, Peter hot on his tail.

James looked sympathetically over to me. "You do know he has a crush on her right?" He asks slowly.


"Ever since first year he has. But he never made a move because he's a werewolf so in his mind he's not good enough for her." He explained. "It never really helped that she had a crush on you though." James mused quietly.

"But why is he helping me then?" I ask, confused.

"He thinks that you'll make her happy."

We stay in silence as James lets me process this new information.

"C'mon we have to get to class." He says quietly after about five minutes. I get to my feet and we walk to class. I don't process anything around me, still lost in thought.

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