Chapter 9

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Layla's POV

Potions.... I hate potions, not only do we have potions with the slytherins (insert gag) but Slughorn loves me and lily so never leaves us alone. I don't mind Slughorn, really, but wouldn't it annoy you if you had someone practically breathing down your neck while you work? Exactly.

"Morning class" Slughorn beamed. "Today we are going to be brewing Amortentia, which is a- yes miss Evans"

"Amortentia is a powerful love potions, it doesn't create real love. No potion has been found that can create real love but it creates a powerful obsession. It smells differently to each person and it contains ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint and powdered moonstone." Lily said in a rush, I just about heard her but apparently professor Slughorn heard perfectly as he boomed.

"Well done miss Evans, couldn't have said it better myself. 10 points to gryffindor. 5 for explaining what it is and 5 for naming the ingredients." He smiled jollily. "Now today we are going to change the seating plan." No no no no no. I'm perfectly happy sitting next to lily. "Let's see, mr snape and miss Parkingson, mr Potter and miss Evans" lily visibly groaned at this whereas James looked ecstatic. "Mr Lupin and miss McDonald, miss McKinnon and miss prewet, mr Black and miss Reid." Noooooooooooo. Slughorn did NOT just do that! Me and Black! Are you serious? (No I did not mean it as a pun, this is no time for puns!).

Black came over to Lily's vacated seat "hey partner."

"Black." I replied then I turned away from him to listen to Slughorn. To bad I couldn't focus, it's hard to focus when you know someone is staring at the back of your head and you can almost feel their gaze. Still i did my best, and knew what page to turn to. I flipped through the book then landing on page 283 I stopped and placed it out infront of us. "Set up the cauldron, I'll get the ingredients." I said to Black then hurried away.

Once I had located and picked up all of the ingredients I walked back to our table to find Black in the same position he was before, with no cauldron set up. Merlin he irritates me. "Nice work Black." I said sarcastically.

"Oh Layla!" He spun around in surprise, "you didn't... Hear that did you?" He asked.

"No Black I didn't, but I asked you to set the cauldron up. Oh and don't call me Layla, it's Reid to you." I replied annoyed. I wonder what he didn't want me to hear, probably just his next prank. "Hurry up." I said before getting to work on chopping up the ingredients.

An hour later and we had just finished the potion. I couldn't help but move closer as I smelt it. It smelled like my guitars, cherry blossom, chocolate and something I can't quite put my finger on. It's masculine I can tell but it draws me in and I don't know what it is. I'm steadily edging closer.

"Hey Reid, back up. I know it's intoxicating but don't get too close." Black warned me. I was immediately snapped out of my trance.

"Urm yeah, I just didn't know what it was." I replied sheepishly. I wonder what Black smelt.

"Hey Black, what did you smell?" I asked.

He blushed slightly (yeah, Sirius Black blushed) before saying "you'll never know" in what he hoped was a mysterious voice.


I'm actually really happy with this chapter. What do you guys think? Will Layla and Sirius date? What would their ship name be? Sayla? Larius? (Oh my goodness I'm laughing so much. Larius!! Hahaha!!) thank you for your support!! Three updates in one day :)

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