Chapter 6

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"Well, we are now." I mumble and Alice giggles. "I call first shower!" I say getting up grabbing my towel, shampoo, conditioner and wand. Then I run to the bathroom only just managing to make it there before lily. Once inside I lock the door magically, have a quick shower and wash my hair, wrap the towel round me and go back into the dorm. Alice took a shower last night so she was already getting dressed but lily ran into the bathroom before Marlene knew I was out. After drying my hair (I know the perfect spell for that, who said the library was boring?) I put on my clothes, Marlene finally runs into the bathroom. I make my hair wavy and slightly curly at the bottom, and then styled Lily's hair, straight but with lots of pins and clips making it fall perfectly round her face. Alice wasn't bothered so she just put hers into a pony tail, and I know Marlene likes to just put hers into a messy bun, that look suits her though. After we are all ready we walk down to breakfast.

"Mmmm pancakes!" Marlene squeals.

"That is very unhealthy! Marlene I think you should have some toast." Alice reprimands.

"Allllice!" We all moan.

"What? You said to wait until today so I did!"

We all laugh and sit down, grabbing what we chose to eat and ignoring Alice's complaints. If its anything like last year she will give up and join us in eating whatever we want by tomorrow.

"Ahhh hello girls." Black, again? Why is he always following us?

"Hi Sirius!" Marlene squeaks, why is she squeaking?

"You mind if i sit here?" He says before sitting next to me.

"That's fine, Sirius!!" Marlene replies and I continue my conversation with lily, who's sitting next to me the other side.

"Yeah, I think that he will defiantly ask her out this year. I mean what's he got to lose, it's obvious she loves him!" Lily replies.

"Obvious to everyone except him!" I point out.

"But, if he doesn't ask her out by Christmas-" lily starts but I cut her off.

"-We will make her ask him out!!" I almost shout.

"Umm who are you guys talking about?" James asks before sitting next to lily.

"None of your business Potter." Lily replies harshly.

"No really, who are you talking about?" Marlene asks.

"Alice." I reply simply.

"ME?!?! Me and who?" She screams, I think everyone is watching us now.

"Hey, hey nothing to see here, go back to your own boring lives!" Sirius shouts.

"Alice, we can't tell you! At least not with them around." I say looking pointedly at Black and James.

"Hey guys." Says a rather tired Remus.

"Hey Remus!! Are you ok? Did you get any sleep last night?" I ask concerned before noticing Peter, "hey Peter." I add.

"Hey." He squeals and goes to sit down next to Alice, she doesn't look so pleased though.

"Remus?" I question.

"Yeah I'm fine... Umm yeah lack of sleep, you know. Who can sleep with those guys around? Haha" he says but doesn't sound very convincing, maybe it's just the lack of sleep.


"Layla! We have 5 minuets to get to transfiguration!" Lily screams suddenly.

"Oh fu-"

"Don't say that word." Alice warns me.

"Fudge?" I joke.

"Layla!! We need to go!" Lily grabs my hand and pulls me I only just manage to grab my bag in time. "Are you guys coming?" I shout back and Alice and Marlene jog to catch up.

We make it in time, but just barely. Four seats are open at the front of the classroom and four at the back, I make to go towards the four at the back before lily grabs me and pulls me to the front. I sit between lily and Alice, Marlene on the other side of lily.

Five minuets into the lesson the door opens and who comes in? Black, James, Remus and Peter. Typical marauders, but I'm not sure why Remus played along, he likes to be in class early. I wonder what kept them though, they saw us leave and knew that they only had 5 minuets to get to class. It makes no sense.

"Nice of you boys to join us, stay back after class so we can discuss your detentions." Professor Mcgonagall said.

"K Professor." James said.

The class went like usual and next we made our way to charms. Lily is amazing at charms and Flitwick loves her. I am second but second is never as good as first, I try not to be jealous but I can't help it. It doesn't spoil my friendship with lily, she's my best friend. But how could anyone not be jealous of lily? She's beautiful, smart, kind, popular and the apple of James Potters eye. (Not that I like James but his fangirls are jealous of lily because of that.) But I love being friends with lily, some petty jealousy won't get in the way of that.

Soon we had lunch. We all walked to lunch and damn we have to walk past the hufflepuff table! What is up with those hufflepuffs? Oh Merlin now the seventh years are looking at me as well as the sixth years!! Good Godric can't they look at someone else? I decide to just ignore them, and pray to Merlin that they will take it as a signal to ignore me too. They don't.

The marauders come in about half way through lunch, why are they late to everything? They all love lunch, why would they be late to lunch? But of course they come over to us and sit down, I need to remember to sit next to someone else! Damn why us?


IT'S ME!! So what do you guys think of this chapter? I know I haven't updated in a while, please don't kill me :0 but oh my gosh the views on this story have gotten so high now!! Thank you guys so much for supporting me and my story, I love you all so much.

Please comment on whether you like what I'm doing, or what I can improve. I'm getting worried that Layla is turning into a Mary-Anne so I'm going to try and give her more spunk.

Again THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE WHO HAS SUPPORTED MY STORY. Whether you have liked it since the first chapter, or recently or even if you haven't read it yet and will in about a month, thank you so much. It means so much to me.

I'm going to stop rambling and actually upload this chapter now :) I love you all!

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