Chapter 4

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"AHHH what are they?" I say pointing to big black horses (well more horses skeletons). They were terrifying yet somehow slightly calming, but right now I am just shocked to see them.

"What, what is it?" Alice shouts suddenly on guard.

"Those, those things pulling the carriages... They used to be pulled by themselves, why are they now being pulled by those things?" I say.

"Layla, what happened over the summer?" Lily asks me concerned.

"Lily, what are you taking about? We'll talk about summer later, right now were talking about those things on the front of the carriages." Lily then pulled me into the carriage with Alice and Marlene in already.

"These are pulled by threasles." Lily stats, earning an 'ohh' from Alice and an even more confused look from me and Marlene.

"Lily, you do realise both of them dropped care of magical creatures, don't you?" Alice said.

"Well threasles are sort of creature that not many people can see. They are suppose to be unlucky, but apparently that's all tosh!! You can only see a threasle if you have seen death, witnessed someone die." Lily explains to me and marls.

"Wait Layla, you didn't see them when we left for summer, what happened?" Alice asks very concerned.

"Don't worry, we can talk about it later." I say averting my eyes and making sure not to make eye contact. Even though I was not looking at them I could tell that they were exchanging worried glances.

'This year isn't looking as good as I though it would be' I thought.

We finally get into the great hall and we sit down me next to Marlene and across from lily, with Alice opposite Marlene and diagonal from me.

"Is this seat taken?" I hear a voice from behind me but before I can answer Sirius Black is sitting next to me and staring at me.

"Guess it is now." I say under my breath, but everyone hears me and laughs, even Sirius.

"Hey Lilyflower." James says sitting next to her. We exchange glances and roll our eyes.

The sorting begins and there are 5 new griffendor girls and 6 new griffendor boys. And then the feast begins!

Hungrily I put a chicken wing, mash, peas on my plate and start eating. Whilst I am eating my mash Marlene nudges me.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Look over at the hufflepuff table." She looks like she's refraining from laughing. So I look over, there is that boy from the train, Tyler and he's staring at me. His friends talk to him and he doesn't respond, so they look over in the direction he's staring and look at me. They stay looking at me to. Now I have a group of five hufflepuff boys staring at me and I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable.

"This is so awkward, can't they find someone else to stare at? I mean how about someone in ravenclaw... They're all pretty." I say to Marlene.

"What are you two whispering about?" Black says cockily.

"None of your business Black." I say before turning my head and continuing to eat.

"We were talking about the boys at the hufflepuff table who won't stop staring at Layla." Marlene says dreamily to Sirius, damn her crush on him! It's so inconvenient.

"Maaaarls... Really?" I complain.

After everyone has finished dessert appears.

"Yay treacle tart!" Lily squeals, "it's my favourite!"

"I'm more of a syrup sponge kind of gall!! Haha" I say and we both put out chosen desserts on our plait.

"It's so unhealthy, wouldn't you be better with a nice fruit salad?" Alice asks putting that on her plait.

"But Alice, it's sooo nice!! Besides we have the rest of the year to be healthy... This is the start of term feast!" Lily complains.

"Yeah lecture us tomorrow." I joke flashing her a smile, she laughs back, "oh don't worry, I will."

(Hey it's me again!! Do you like it so far? Am I doing ok? My books are getting so many more reads! This one has 7 now!! Thank you guys so much!)

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