A droplet of a universe (1)

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As the light flicker into their closed eyes, the morning dew droplet fell from a tree onto a purple hair individual, as the beautiful flowers under them were untarnished by the weight which lies upon them. A groan was heard as they were awakened from their long slumber, which they rub their eyes, and all of sudden they felt something wrong. The purple hair sat up in a panic and looked around confused as they stood up from their flower beds. A girl of purple hair looked upon their hand as they realize they just rub their own eyes with their hand. Confusion rose like a burning campfire lit alight with gas, as they felt the sensation of touch, taste, temperature, and body difference. As they spoke without realizing in a feminine voice, "I'm not in Vr?" at that very moment they closed their mouth as they took notice of their voice which was not theirs yet it is theirs. Unable to accept their reality now, they try to leave this game in which they call VRchat but while in their moment of shock they failed to realized they were not holding onto a Vr controller and the realization came crashing down upon them as they were trapped within this reality. They fell to their knees as the flower bed soften their fall, but then they realize where they were located. Looking above them was a familiar green tree, then past the green tree was a cage-like structure they were in while upon the dawn sky was out past their reach. Then taking a look around was a water-like garden in which they recognize very easily. Then they spoke to all themselves upon this world "This is my world, Garden Cage" As their shock reduces to ash and their curiosity picked up like the wind on grassy plains, they stood up and went to where a floating box was in their memories of this world called the Garden Cage. Then realize their floating box that can spawn in a mirror was not there, as they wonder what had happened to them and this reality. As they thought through their situation and spoken to themself "Why did I not noticed that I was taken away... I can't remember what happened... Did I fell asleep while playing this game? No? Why can't I remember it... how long did I sleep?" She looks upon her own body to see her clothes and body  "... Are these real..." Feels a bit flush but compare to her curiosity it was nothing but she doesn't want to accept she is a girl and fell into a deep sigh, as their memories serve herself right that she was in fact once a man. Her curiosity grabs a whole hold of her as she wonders that she really lost her man part if it is real and simply tug on their shorts to confirm it. She sighs heavily and groans about this newfound confirmation. She then also notice that her body felt very extremely light-like, as she recalled her previous body seem slowed or ability heavy to act compare to this one. She took a roundhouse kick into the air and realize how stable she was standing on one leg and how hard the kick was as she beginning to understand that this body of hers may not be normal by any standard. After testing out a bit of her body she became a bit excited at the thought that she may do stuff that her previous body didn't allow her to do before. She has been rid of all the negative feelings that nagging at her since she awakens state as she went over to the water of her Garden. She took off her own shoes and armor leggings then dip her feet into the water. She feels the water surround her feet, and the sensation of the water was no different than her other reality. After a while, she has fully explored every possible inch of her own world and found it is almost no different from what she remembered besides that everything she felt in this world is real, the mirror button is gone and that the time in this world seems to act like a normal day and night cycle. With a heavy sigh, she thought about how she can leave this Garden Cage as she imagines herself opening a menu button but all of sudden a menu screen appeared before her. "Huh? That weird?" Upon inspection of the menu, it is familiar to look at but very confusing as several things are missing or outright corrupt looking. The Setting, Safety, UI, and a few other important menu stuff are straight-up gone or corrupt things such as friend lists are filled to the brim of corruption texts that are unable to read. Not even the profile of the individuals is there, just a glitch or blur or missing picture of individuals, but what is more haunting than that any memories of these individuals are strip from her too. Who they were, how they met, what they are, and everything about those people was gone from her memories. There are way too many questions she can ask, but a sudden realization happens as she couldn't even remember her own real-life name besides the social list that only shows her own face with her own name Dartz. She took a look at her own menu once more and found that she only has two worlds available to her to go to, her own world the Garden Cage, and the blur-out name and picture of black and blue color. Any attempt to access other worlds through her favorite list was a complete failure as they were unable to be access or straight up gone and with no other options, the one new world she can access was the blur-out black and blue world in her menu. With a single tap upon that world on her menu, she was transported out of her own world, and in a couple of seconds, she found herself in a familiar place. The music of this world play softly, with the vast ocean was before her eyes, a small train station on top of where she stood on and a grasp of memories return to her. She remembers this place, this place is a hub world as she thought in her mind "A hub world to what? I can't remember..." She took a look at her menu once more and saw that the blur-out world she was in right now was changed to the Horizon Ward with a clear picture of a symbol that she can't remember.  She couldn't remember anything that related to this world, as she tries hard to remember but it causes pain in return. Then all of sudden a rustle sound came from her left and spook her as she didn't turn to look around the world before. She spun to look at the sound and saw a somewhat familiar person yet it had thrown her mind into haywire. "Are you Chi..." He had a familiar yet different voice as he spoke, yet his looks don't seem right to her own memories yet can't confirm whether it is true or not, and her own memories aren't even registering his existence to her own memories. He was wearing admiral-style clothing, with a blue and white cap. His clothing is mostly white with some blue like his cap but so are his eyes too. 

The man has spoken up "Whomever you thought of, is not the person you're speaking to, but it seems you're in pain... are you too lacking in memories"

-End of Chapter-

(Horizon Arc Begins)

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