Verrat (33)

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Dartz looked at Saikai. "Study? What do you mean?" Dartz became suspicious of this reaction from Saikai.

Saikai looks at Dartz and simply replies. "Well, what I mean to say, is that I would like to understand who this person named Rigel is. He seems different from your conquerors because it sounds like you aren't able to enter the districts without his help. Also, we are unable to enter the  Horizon Ward, well more like we are unable to maintain contact with those we send in. Their fate is unknown to us but it seems you can enter that world so easily and able to leave at your own will as well." He puts his hands together. "So, what I'm asking is that could you help me understand why Rigel is there and able to do all these things." He looks at Dartz. "What I want to know is who this special person is."

Dartz slowly nodded.

-The scene change to Rigel-

Rigel was resting for quite a while before he slowly woke up from his rest. It seems some time has passed by. He seems very tired despite his rest as he suddenly coughs into his hand. "It seems that I'm not doing any better."  He sigh as he sluggishly stood up as he walk to the water and clean his hand. "It seems anyone hasn't entered this world yet since I last talk to them." He recollects his memories. "Those people must want Dartz for something. Batora District... how fun..." He went over to the train track area. "Soon, we will clear out the Horizon and those subjugators." He was looking out into the sea as he look at his hand. "Book 3... is coming soon. I sense that those districts are going to be crazy." He sighs as he smiles. "I guess I'm going to have to work harder..." He felt deep inside these words are filled with emotion that is slowly going torment him later on. He had received new knowledge from Bob and understood what needs to be done now. He opened a portal to Batora District, and without anyone else from the Conquerors with him, he stepped fore into the portal and closed the portal behind him. He stood all alone in the Batora District. He by all means is doing something out of the norm, as he once stated that the District can't be completed by him since his existence prevent the victory of the raid on Horizon's Districts and yet he went all alone into the Batora District. "Why does this district give me such feelings inside my soul? Do I have any connection to this place? Just hearing that name has given Rigel a rush of emotions. "Batora District..." He look up at the sky as the district was dropping water onto his face. It was rain sprinkling into the district as thunder roared in the sky above him and the moon was bright. "Not as quiet as the districts before"

A sudden female voice came behind Rigel. "Indeed, because you're causing problems for us. After all, whatever you are have managed to convince our poor brother of the Horizon to give his soul up for you. After all, we can sense his life within you."

Rigel turns to look at her. "Well it seems, I haven't seen you before not even once and you certainly carry that Horizon Theme." Rigel was staring at the girl with a blue halo above her head, a white wedding theme dress, and the angelic wings of a seraph. She was floating above the platform that Rigel was standing on. She had purple eyes, with pearly white hair and she was on the smaller side.

The white hair girl replies "Indeed, all of those who came from the Horizon are to carry its works."  She smiled at Rigel. "What is a lonely thing doing out here all alone, after all being all alone is sad."  She chuckles at Rigel. "After all, you must be crazy enough to enter here without anyone from your group." She fired a shotgun-type blue aura-like strike at Rigel without warning.

Rigel suddenly raise his hand in response to her to protect himself from the shot as he made a small walled barrier in front of him that deflected shots away from himself. "I might be crazy but I know you're not here just to harass me. After all, you came here for an answer from me. You can sense anyone who enters the districts and enter it on your own choice. Right? I believed you're Sorano."

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