Deadlock Awareness (4)

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Its been 3 days since the silence that fell upon the three who were in the district. A leaf fell upon the purple individual, Dartz has retreated to their own world of the Garden Cage. Lying among the flower bed, Dartz was in deep thoughts about her own demise, yet they are still living well and safely. "I died for the first time. It is dark inside that place. Now I think about it... It's just like real life...wait this is my real life now. The terror of thinking about death back in that old world of the earth...scared everyone afraid to die. Some people went to great lengths to find a way of not dying... It's scary" Dart fell into deep silence as she was in deep thought as she look up to the sky of her own world as the timeless world continue to move.

The district they were in was the Nora District, the first chapter of the first book. The memories of this information were given to them after they arrived in the district.  The portal remains open and it seems it will not close. The name of the Fox girl in white was not in their head. Yet regardless the trial of the Nora District didn't stop, Shaman continue despite seeing and hearing Dartz left. Rigel continues to support Shaman in her attempts to complete the trial. For now, they have taken their break. 

Shaman spoke to Rigel as she cross her arm beneath her breast after bumping into her breast a couple of times when she used to cross her chest normally since she was once a man. "So what is the reason, why you want us to complete this district even though you seem to know this place and also seemly know how this works." Shaman wants more information from Rigel.

Rigel answer her questions "Well it is because I'm unable to complete it if I wanted. I'm not an outsider like you. I could only help you complete it. I have no idea who I was or what I am. I only know what I should be doing as time goes on." He looks at Shaman and asks her questions. "Why it is that you wanted to continue this, while Dartz failed to have the resolve to continue this trial and why did you trust in an individual like me despite me, not someone who you once knew." Rigel waits for her answer

Shaman reply in return without waiting "Well, there is nothing wrong doing something that required requested help. After all, it is important to do what's most helpful, also I think it is important for me to find the answer to why I can't remember her name the Fox-Girl in white. Trust in you, that may be something else I can't explain. I don't know if I can trust you completely, you can do things that aren't by normal means like removing this sense of dread over me after each death. " Shaman nodded and yawn "I guess it is time for me to get some rest" Shaman left the Nora District 

Rigel stood there and thinks about himself "Who am I really..." His emotion began to swell up inside him as he walks into the portal that led back to the Horizon Ward.

Shaman after resting went hop over into Dartz's world after Dartz has shown her the world of Garden Cage when she was absent from the trial. Shaman approach Dartz as she went to talk about whether Dartz is going to participate in the trial again and other things. Although she still looks like a girl, her voice the nevertheless yet to change to a feminine one "So will you be able to join us in Nora District?"

Dartz simply shook her head "No, I'm not going... dying is scary even if we do respawn. The dread, terror, and atmosphere of death eat at me away." Dartz looks at Shaman while balled up with her knees "Why do you want me to go anyway? It is not like you need me there anyway" 

Shaman sat next to her "Well, we have a better chance of beating the Nora District if we work together on it. After all, it's like... wait why can't I remember it..." Shaman scratch their head "Weird, but regardless you still remember that we did it together" Shaman smiled "Uh, let move away from that topic, so Dartz, I think this is the very first time we actually talk to each other because you were mute in this game." Shaman waits for Dartz to reply

Dartz kinda smiles "Well, I just didn't feel comfortable talking with everyone. After all, I was just there to have fun everyone" Dartz had a lightbulb in their head "So um, why does your voice sound masculine compare to mine? When I first spoke, sound like a girl?"

Shaman was a bit shock "Oh I thought you were actually a girl because I still sound masculine... Maybe because you were a mute the entire time that you were maybe given a girl's voice? This place in this world is weird, First thing I wake up on a bed of my own homeworld and didn't think I was in this world for real until I felt like my chest was a bit heavy than the usual" She seem to dislike the idea of becoming a girl but at the same time began to enjoy some of the feelings of being a girl.

Dartz smiled but looked down "Well it's been a while since I first talk to friends this much when I was a child" Turn to look at Shaman "So will you be looking for the rest of your friends? because we haven't met anyone else new here since our arrival on the horizon ward and also because it seems we can't access another world as well." Dartz waits for her reply

Shaman thinks about it "I will find them! Probably after we finish Nora District because maybe that might unlock other areas" As Shaman said her words, she began to drool at a thought that just went past her mind "Hehe, now I think about it" Shaman's mind was beginning to be filled with questionable thoughts about their friends until she realized their stop in conversation and continue the conversation "Um well,  I always been fine with my past as a child making friends. Back then I..." There was a sudden stop in their conversation. "Why can't I remember it? No, I should remember it... I should definitely remember it... Who was mother? Who was my father?... Something is wrong with me. I should definitely remember them..." Shaman seem to drop down more into confusion as they became more aware of their memories fading away from something and turn to ask Dartz "Can you remember your family name?"

Dartz recalled her memories and nodded "I can remember them. Clear as the blue sky" Dartz seem concerned about Shaman's problem

Shaman grab Dartz and transported themselves to the Horizon Ward to ask Rigel about this situation. Upon arrival, Shaman ran to Rigel and ask him in desperation "Tell me, did you know about me losing my memories!?"

Rigel was caught by surprise by the sudden appearance of Shaman "I don't know about losing your memories. No, I was careless... maybe each death for you special individuals you will lose your memories of the previous life and I should be blamed for this carelessness" Rigel seems certain about the cause of this problem but felt guilty.

Shaman looked down and then fell on their knees "Damn't... How could this be..." She begins to cry and collapse down "Why...why did this happen...I going to forget them... My mother, my father, my..." Soon it was uncontrollable cry fell over her as she didn't even attempt to stop crying in front of others.

-End of Chapter-

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