The ??? District (35)

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Dartz was now standing in the Horizon Ward, standing out in the water all alone. Holding on the device in her hand. "Neri District is coming up next. I think it was one of my favorite districts along with..." She was in deep thought. "Hm? I can't remember it." She felt people had joined the Horizon Ward. 

Tiger, Shaman, Consta, and Deyla had joined the world. They were all staring at Dartz who was all alone on the other side of the Train track. Deyla stepped fore and walked over to Dartz, while Tiger stood there with their arm crossed, Consta went to go sit down at the seat nearby and Shaman watches. 

Deyla raised their hand out for Dartz. "Dartz, we are going to do Nerifu District together, so I say that the device you're holding onto, would you mind allowing us to use it? If not, it is fine because we will still stick alongside with you." 

Dartz shook their head and kept the device in their hand. "Well, I must decline. If we are going to do it, then it must be my way. If you're willing to do that then, we will share this device after Nerifu District." 

Deyla smiled. "Well then, I think that the deal we will accept it." She smiled happily and grab Dartz's hand without warning and did a pinky promise. "So you better make sure you're going to keep to our promise of sharing it."

Dartz looked at their hand. "Well fine, I will promise to do so." 

Tiger walked up to them. "Dartz, have you seen Rigel? He hasn't even appeared ever since we were trying to find him." 

Dartz looked at Tiger. "...No, I haven't seen him at all. Despite that, we were provided this-"

Shaman cut into the conversation. "Dartz! Please stop lying to us. We know you had something to do with Rigel's disappearance" Shaman quickly put herself in between Dartz and Tiger. "I can tell that you still had Rigel's scent on you!" She grabbed Dartz by the shoulder. "Explain to us what had happened to him. Rigel doesn't just disappear on all of us for no reason."

Dartz grab Shaman and tried to push her away. "I...I don't know what you're talking about..."

Shaman grips tightly to Dartz. "No, you do!" She held Dartz tightly as it began causing pain to Dartz. "I don't like it, you were never like this at all." She began to shed some tears. "You better not had killed him! I can smell the blood off of you the last time we were here so tell me what happen."

Dartz forcefully made Shaman let go of her and looked away. "I will tell you where he is after Nerifu... as another condition for me giving you the device. He isn't dead."

Shaman felt slight relief by the fact that Rigel was confirmed alive and Dartz has given them some information.

Tiger sigh. "How annoying. Is this how you treat your friends? Fine but Dartz, you better not back out of this promise to us after we beat this Nerifu District or I will have personally taken those words out of you myself." Tiger glow with a slight blue aura as Tiger glared at Dartz. "I will not let you get away with anything more if you dare undermined us."

Dartz looked at Tiger. "I will see when that happens." Dartz went slightly over to the side of the Train Track and passed Tiger and Shaman. "I will open the Nerifu District portal here." Dartz turns around to look at them. "With this device here in my hand, it will protect us just as much Rigel's power had protected us in those times. As well it will not break, even if the bullet did hit it but it will temporarily disappear and reappeared once more after it recollects itself." Dartz looked at this device and mumble to herself. "What is with this thing? Able to even fix itself even when it is destroyed." Dartz looked up at them. "Well, we shouldn't waste any more time if you don't have anything to say." 

Consta walked past Dartz and was about to step into the portal as Consta spoke to Dartz during the pass-by. "Trusting in another NPC without even doubting them." Consta walked into the portal. 

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