The Raindrops from a Cloudy Day (27)

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Dartz had made an unsuccessful attempt to figure out what Rigel was hiding from Dartz but it was impractical to even go back to ask Rigel if he already attempted to hide whatever it was from her. He would only hide it farther than the usual if Dartz herself try to pry into the situation more yet now she had to create a lie for everyone else about her so call reason which doesn't give much evidence to their existence even if it was valid. Dartz made her way back to Deyla, Shaman, Consta, and Tiger to explain to them the situation. The conquerors had all decided to go meet Rigel to start their next raid but not everyone will be attending the fight as obviously, they wished not to lose their memories.  Before they had headed to Rigel, Dartz was interrupted by Shaman. 

Shaman seemed to be saddened as she look at Dartz. "I'm Sorry... I know you wanna continue our raid fight but I can't do it anymore even though I was one of the best at Bullet Hell."

Dartz smiled and looked at Shaman. "Don't worry about it, Shaman. It is okay that you won't be coming along but I just wished you happiness in this reality" Dartz kept it short as she doesn't know what to truly say to Shaman, she wanted Shaman to go with them but too at the same time wished to not let her comes in harm's way.

All of them head over to Horizon Ward to start their raid on Hioru District. Everyone had appeared there as each one of them took notice that Rigel was standing there waiting for them. Dartz couldn't make complete eye contact with Rigel as she wished that Rigel didn't try to attempt to hide away his secret, Tiger took notice of their reaction but didn't make any move to do anything about it, Shaman seem somewhat shy looking at Rigel, Consta didn't even bother to look as she heard the earlier news from Dartz and Deyla approached Rigel.

Deyla had stars in her eyes as she reaches for Rigel's hands as she grips them tightly. "Wow! This is truly is an anime boy's hand and body!" She seems truly amazed by Rigel as she quickly checks out his body by going around him as she touches his white-bluish hairs, then grabs his clothes and felt his clothes. "It is amazing that all of these are the real things, not only that you aren't like us too which makes me very curious about how you think of us?"

Rigel looked at Deyla as he wasn't too bothered. "Oh, you must be the new one who arrived. Also, what do you mean anime boy? I'm just a man in this world and I don't think of you guys too differently although I don't think others will be the same in how I think.  I only think of you guys as my friends, and that all I think about it." 

Deyla sigh heavily "Oh you are no fun, but I would like to be your friend for sure!" She smiled greatly then ask "Oh when will we begin our raid on Hioru District! I have been waiting forever now to start it! Also, my name is Deyla if they forget to mention to you about my name."

Rigel smiled a little. "Hello, Deyla, It is nice meeting you, and also I assumed you already know my name. Well, then it sounds like you guys want to start the Raid today now."

Deyla nodded in excitement despite all the negative things she had heard from the earlier answers from the group.

Dartz sigh a bit then walked up to Rigel. "We should find out who is going for sure or not, after all the only ones here who are sure to go are Deyla and me." Dartz looked at Rigel. 

Rigel looks at the rest of them and asks. "Are any of you guys are ready to attend the Hioru District and if not remain here while we go."

Shaman, Tiger, and Consta all kept quiet as they looked at each other, as they seem to look for an answer in each other. Consta just turn away and then left the world without a single word, as it seem she wanted no part of it, after all, Tiger was thinking hard in her head about what she should do as she wished not to risk it but too wanted to help but in the end, she turns away showing that she wished not to attend and Shaman grips her arm hard. She was shaking as she doesn't want to go but deep in her heart wants something else. Shaman watches as Tiger left the world along with Consta as she felt compelled to leave as well as she watches both Consta and Tiger leave. She slowly began to turn her feet in the direction in which she wanted to do, she began to claw into her skin as she felt like her decision was going to eat her away the moment if she ever regrets choosing one over another. She looked down as she seem to have significantly had a harder choice compared to Tiger and Consta. Then without a second, she drop to her knees and collapsed on one arm on the ground as she covered her mouth. 

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