Declaration of progress (20)

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A nightmarish hell they would put through this bullet hell, the conquerors were pale to the bone about their situation. Tiger was exhausted and barely able to stand up as sweat was dripping from their face from the deathly dread that was unexplainable to the human mind as she shook nervously from it, Consta was unable to even fight as she lay on the ground unmoving, Shaman was in complete despair after each respawn they were given as she only sat down in defeat, and Dartz was shaking heavily as she feared the next death she will encounter. All of them were unable to give break in their fights against the district, unable to escape its grasp, being away from the safeguard of Rigel's ability, and all unable to get farther to defeat Rekai District. Aikasuyuri of the Horizon and Kikuri of the Horizon willingly watch their suffering and their helplessness kept pushing them, pushing onward without a single break for them, not a single moment of a break after each respawn, merciless kill of each conqueror by the district fight. The fight had lasted over 30 rounds already, but the only one that had any fights left was Dartz although she was nearing the limits of what her mind is being able to hold. Rigel was quiet in his barrier, unmoving, silent like the space, and gaining no attention by Aikasuyuri for she saw no more fun out Rigel's action. 

Aikasuyuri was watching the conqueror that was left standing with their last fight, the purple conqueror who stood in the district. "Your name is Dartz, is that right, my conqueror"

Dartz shakily nod her head as she couldn't speak a single word as she barely kept up with her mind that being haunted by the dread that was eating away at each one of them. 

Aikasuyuri smiled and began clapping her hand "Well I'm happy that you're still alive and well enough to stand with your own two feet, you are amazing." She began walking down to Dartz. "I love seeing individuals like you improving and doing better for themselves but you have yet to complete this district." Aikasuyuri looks a bit upset after saying what she had said.

Dartz back off slowly, as she felt something wasn't right.

Aikasuyuri kept walking toward Dartz. "You know, I had suffered too. I have been living a life that wasn't so healthy or safe from pain and suffering." Aikasuyuri caught up to Dartz who couldn't move away fast enough. "I wished to see those like you grow from the pain that you feel" She grabbed Dartz by the neck "But you have failed, and I hate seeing those who can't surpass challenges in life" She tightened her grip on Dartz's neck 

Dartz squirms and struggles to escape Aikasuyuri's grip on her neck. She slowly feels the darkness of death slowly come over her mind. 

Aikasuyuri began tears began falling over her face as she proceed to strangle Dartz to death as she spoke her mind once more. "I'm sorry, I have to ensure-" A sudden beam of blue light rip straight through her left arm that grips onto Dartz's neck and enveloped Dartz away from Aikasuyuri's grip. Aikasuyuri fell onto her knees gripping onto her missing left missing forearm that bleeding profusely from the blue light that struck her. 

Rigel was carrying Dartz in his arms as he stood up away from Aikasuyuri as he was the blue light himself who struck Aikasuyuri and saved Dartz. Rigel was looking rough and exhausted from whatever he did as he looked at Dartz. "I'm sorry... I was too late... but" he coughed heavily as he fell on his knee while carrying Dartz in his arm. "Sorry... *cough* I giving you the last of my energy... *coughing heavily* I will grab the rest to pull out this world back to Horizon Ward" He suddenly coughs blood on Dartz's face and clothes "I entrust you to do District. We need a victory now...Sorry for coughing blood on you" He smiled to cheer up Dartz and remove Dartz's dread with his power and give most away for Dartz to fight the Rekai District. 

Dartz grabs Rigel by the neck collar to pull him closer after his power has restored and improved her "Why!? entrust me to fight this district! We have barely gotten far in this fight and you think I can do it! Take me back with everyone!" She was tearing up "I can't-"

Rigel grips Dartz's hand "You can" He coughs more blood as he covers his hand to avoid spilling blood on Dartz "I know you can do it... Trust in my power and yourself then you're able to beat it" He breathing heavily "You heard her cried..." He made Dartz stand up "If we can do this together we can save her although may have harmed her... I must protect you" He leans on Dartz "Dartz, you aren't alone." He began to pick everyone else from the ground.

Dartz grabbed Rigel's arm before he began to leave "How can I do this?"

Rigel smiled at her "We can do it. My power and hope are with you now" He picked up Consta who was unconscious, hold onto Shaman and let Tiger hold onto Rigel. He turn to look at Aikasuyuri who was silent and sitting on the ground of the platform. "I'm sorry, to you too" He pulled all of them out of the world through a portal he manage to open for them to escape.

Aikasuyuri looked up at Rigel who just left with three lost conquerors and began getting angry. "Why!? Sorry to me! Sorry for what!!!???" She scream in anger as the world began to shake and cracked "You're just a disgusting thing who spouting craps to others!" She glared at Dartz "Do you think your power of friendship shit can beat my world! my district! Only people like me deserved to beat my district." She stood up with a crazy look on her face. "Dartz!  show me that you can beat me on your own!" 

Kikuri walked up behind Aikausyuri "Sis, what are-" Kikuri was wiped away in the bright light of bluish color and she was turned into nothingness. 

Aikasuyuri wiped Kikuri out of existence as she was smiling crazy mad as she floats to the middle of the arena and start new music in Rekai District. 

Dartz was shocked by what Aikasuyuri did, but reinforced her determination and hope. She felt a blue glow of energy flowing through her, and she was now ready to fight. The song was beginning to distort as music play onward. The world began cracking under the pressure of a new force of energy in the world which causes the bullet-hell district to change. The bullets came from both sides of the arena, from inner to outer and outer to the inside of the arena.  Dartz see that foresight of the direction and placement of the bullets which became somewhat familiar to her. The fight is the mixture of the two-song bullet hell as she remembers the previous memories but with some new additional bullet hell. Dartz with her newfound determination grip herself to hope and trust that was entrusted from Rigel and faced Aikasuyuri's Rekai District.

-End of Chapter-

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