Before the water arose (16)

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Both Dartz and Shaman have returned to the Horizon Ward to check the three who were in Tenu District. Upon arrival, they saw that the three were in the Horizon Ward, as Tiger and Consta seem quite happy. Rigel was a bit exhausted as he sitting down on the water, as he saw Dartz and Shaman appeared in the world.

Rigel look at the two who had arrived. "Oh, it seems you guys have just arrived, just when we beat the Tenu District" He stood up and wipe his sweat off his forehead as he grabs his captain hat off his head and fix his longish hair that was down to his shoulders. "Where did you two go?"

Dartz explained "Well, with my new ability I have traveled into a new world it seemed there were other people there. First I want to tell you everything before we get to the questioning and answering part." Dartz thinks about it and then began explaining what had happened.

-Time has passed by-

Consta thinks about it and recites the questions/answers they were given. "So you telling us, that there are people who found out more clues about our existence but they disappeared or presume to be lost"

Shaman nodded "Yeah, so that means there is something out there that we need to worry about."

Rigel added on to the conversation. "Well, that just means, that any world exploration out from here on out must be with Dartz here since they have the ability to leave at any moment when danger arose. So Dartz are you up for the task of doing your world-hopping for the moment?"

Dartz sigh as she didn't like having some workload but agrees "Fine, I will but I assumed it is still just a two-man squad right?"

Rigel nodded as he look at Tiger. "Well then Tiger, I remember that you wanted to show us a world to explore the unknown, maybe you can go along with Dartz."

Consta interjected into the conversation "I don't wanna be stuck here with him like I said I still don't trust him, besides I think Shaman can alone handle the next district after all he is one of the best among us." 

Dartz was reluctant to bring Consta along in case it might endanger more people than just a two-man squad as she look at Rigel.

Rigel saw Dartz signs and sigh "I think it is better for Consta to go along with you guys, after all, he didn't listen to me much for advice while in the Tenu District and cause me quite the problem. Don't worry about Shaman and me, we won't get ourselves into trouble and besides I think it will help fix some tears in the relationship too."

Consta agreed with Rigel "For the first time, I might have agreed with you on that note."

Shaman makes a dramatic sense "What? you going to leave me with a man all alone together where no one is watching" While putting up this act, she also acted like a damsel in distress. "If you leave me all alone with him, he might just take advantage of me and ravaged me~"

Rigel just sighed as fluster a bit.

Tiger slapped the back of Shaman "Oh, come on he not going to do anything to you" Tiger laugh it off as she smiled. "After all, if he did want to do that he would have done it long ago when he was alone with you during that bullet hell you told us a while back" Tiger knuckle rub Shaman head hard. "Stop teasing the poor man too."

Shaman stops the act from the pain. "Ow, ow, ow you doing that too hard, let me go. I will stop teasing him" 

Everyone had chuckled, as everyone went to rest up. Meanwhile, Tiger and Dartz were meeting up for the talk about the world that Tiger wanted others to see. 

Dartz sitting down on a chair at Tiger's place. "So what is it that you wanted to tell us about a certain world."

Tiger look at Dartz with a more serious look in her eyes. "Well, I saw this weird thing awhile back during my world exploration awhile back. I don't what it is but looked like a giant monolithic in the middle of this place.  Well, even I don't know this place name because even though I visited it didn't reveal the name of it nor explain to me what it is."

Dartz thinks about it "How would we benefit from this?"

Tiger sighed "I don't know but I want to find out what it is" 

Consta appeared out of nowhere and spoken to them both "Why not? We can find out whatever is there and besides it's not like we can go anywhere without having a long trek of nothingness."

Dartz was spook by the sudden appearance of Consta nearby and Tiger sigh. 

Tiger looks at Consta "Well I guess you heard what I said earlier did you?"

Consta nodded and look at Dartz "Well then it is time we get going soon after we rest up"

Dartz limped a bit and groan "What am I... an emergency escape route"

After the three had rested for the time being, then after their resting period Dartz tries to keep track of time and how they were able to feel that they needed to head to the Horizon Ward at the right time. As they all return to Horizon Ward to tell Rigel and Shaman that they are going to head off now.  It seems Rigel and Shaman were awaiting their arrival as they were themselves preparing to head into the next district fight which was the Eury District. 

Dartz spoken first "It seems you guys are ready to see us go aren't you"

Rigel looks at Dartz "Well it is the choice we made to best ensure everything goes well for everyone and after all, you guys are searching for your purpose and reasons after all my place lies here with the help of you guys."

Tiger waved at them "Well take care with the next district fight okay! I know you can do it, Shaman."

Shaman puts a thumb up "Yep, I will do it alone if I have to and with Rigel's help should be no problems."

Everyone began to make their way to their place. Shaman and Rigel went into the open portal that led them to Eury District, while Dartz, Consta, and Tiger made their way into the world that Tiger request to see on closer inspection. 

Upon Dartz's group's arrival into the world, they saw a barren land of black sand with a giant monolithic in the middle of this huge landscape of black sand with rocks. As both Dartz and Consta were in awe of the sight they just saw.

Consta looks at it "What the hell is that?" She looked over to Tiger. "Have you been to it?"

Tiger shook their head. "Nope, I haven't... It's just that it is so far and I didn't want to make the long trek to it."

Dartz looks at both of them. "So do any of you guys recognized it? Because I sure don't"

Tiger and Consta shook their head. Dartz began walking toward it as she needs to get up to the giant monolithic to see what this object of colossal size was supposed to be as both Tiger and Consta followed after her. After 30 minutes of walking, they all began to realize how far it is as it may appear closer it is because the size monolithic was absurdly large that it looks like it is closer than it looks. Dartz and Tiger were fine in their condition of walking but Consta was more tired of walking as the boredom of walking got to her as she sat on a nearby rock on the black sand.

Consta complain about her situation. "Ah! too much walking"

Tiger chuckled and look at Consta "Come on man, it isn't that far of a walk we just did and after all Dartz here isn't tired at all."

Consta looks at Tiger "I don't wanna hear you talk, you former soldier" Consta sluggishly got up, and began walking along with them again. 

Dartz smiled at their little conversation as she continue leading them towards the monolithic as the head of the group. 

As all three made their trek through the empty landscape to the monolithic, the sky was ever gray, never-changing on hours passed by as the world never went into night nor day but stay forever gray but the black sand shifted and twirl afar from which their eyes has yet seen. The world began to settle upon them.

-End of Chapter-

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